Christmas can be one of the hardest times of the year for women who can't conceive. With all the glitter and focus on family, the picture perfect family portraits arriving at their mailbox; it’s a constant reminder of the deep longing for their baby.
But I want to give you some tips about what you can do to nurture and heal your mind, body, and soul in a fun way that bring you joy.
From writing a love letter to your future baby to using this time for extra self care.
4 Tips To Survive The Holidays without Heart Ache
Self Care – Mother Yourself
My first recommendation is to make extra time for self-care. Whether that is “binge-watching” your favorite Netflix series with your hubby, or watch a Hallmark movie while cuddling up on the couch with your hot chocolate with whipped cream. Or, enjoy three of your guilty pleasures in one day. Taking a long bath in the morning or mid day. Add some essential oils.
What is your top guilty pleasure? Make sure you do that!
Self-care is essential because most women (and 99% of my fertility clients) always feel that they aren’t doing enough to get pregnant. They have so many “have-to lists” in their mind. Therefore the holidays are a beautiful time to focus on self-care and not think about the things you have to do. Mother yourself and enjoy it.
Stop Negative Self Talk
My second recommendation is to stop the negative self-talk. After working with women who struggle to get pregnant for the last 23 years the #1 habit I see is that they have a lot of negative self-talk. One day they are hopeful, the next day they are hopeless, and they are putting themselves through an emotional rollercoaster.
That's why my Get Pregnant Now program Body & Mind approach is geared at changing the neurological pathways of the brain because it directly affects the body. Fear changes the chemistry of your body. For example, change negative talk like “what if I’m too old” to “what if I'm the perfect age to conceive,” “what if I miscarry” to “what if I trust my bodies innate wisdom to carry my baby full term”.
This simple tweak, the retraining of the brain is a powerful way to double your chances to conceive. I see literally how my clients reset their minds and start to feel emotionally stable and believe in her body again and become pregnant. Even, if they have struggled for 10 years, or are 47 years old. They now hold babies in their arms.
Scientific study shows when women do a Body-Mind approach along with IVF or natural conception they double their chances to succeed. I see in my practice how my clients, who almost lost hope, are getting pregnant even to their doctor’s great surprise
Create Your Dream Board for 2021
My third recommendation is to create your Dream Board for Include what it can look like over the next two years. A Dream board creates an imprint on your brain that is more powerful than you may think. These Dream Boards, were created by my clients.
Instead of spending time why you did not get pregnant this year, it can open your mind to all the great things that you have in life and all the dreams that you want to accomplish.
Often women who have trouble conceiving put all of their dreams on hold. This dream board is a way to remind them to enjoy life, pursue their dreams, and keep their vision to have a baby at the same time.
Write A Love Letter To Your Baby
Lastly, I recommend for women to write a love letter to their unborn child. In the long and lonely journey of infertility, often women lose connection with their body and baby. Many times, women long to feel connected to their baby but they don't know how. A beautiful, fun way is to write a letter to your future child and share your desires and feelings. Begin the process by letting your child know that he or she is welcomed. Share how you met your partner, and share how great life can be with you. Tell your baby about your hobbies. You can even make this a fun ritual by lighting your favorite candle, putting on music while enjoying this special connection with your baby. You can tell your baby that next Christmas you hope to be together.
Don’t walk the journey alone. There is hope and there is help and if you have tried everything you have to look deeper. Find other ways to discover what is blocking your pregnancy.
I love to help you! Keep your baby dream alive!
I believe every woman who longs to become a mom deserves to hold her baby in her arms.
There is hope and there is help. Click here to receive …
Sweet Baby Whispers
Saskia Roell