5 Simple Fertility Strategies To Cope COVID -19

Instead of causing you more anxiety today, I want to give you help and hope by showing you 5 strategies that lessen your anxiety and impact your mind and body in a positive way to get pregnant.

I believe that you can take advantage of this uncertain time, too.

There is also hope in this challenging time. And yes, I totally get it. You may still be forced to work from home. You may still not be able to hug and touch your family and friends. Your IVF or IUI may still be postponed. There is NOTHING easy about it. You may be so tired of all the changes in your life, and feel enough is enough. This time is hard and annoying but…

Click Here to Watch the FREE Video Series Why Can’t I Get Pregnant?

What if this is the time you have been waiting for?
What if this is the time your baby has been waiting for?

Even though these conditions are not your choice I want to empower you to see the silver lining in all of this.

(I know how odd these sounds but hear me out).
You may wonder: is it the divine timing NOW?

Yes, it is. The Universe has given you more time to prepare your body and mind. You don’t have to rush anymore to get to work. You have to be still and go within because you can’t go out. ( Very likely if this not your choice).

5 Strategies To Cope with the Pandemic

1. Time to Reflect and Reset Your thoughts.

You have 60,000 thoughts a day, 80% of which are negative. Your mind is not your best cheerleader. My client Sandra, 44, had tried IVF, IUI, and she had miscarried 3 times. Nothing had worked so far. Sandra thought, “What if my eggs are too old?” and “What if my baby is unhealthy?” Sandra entered the Get Pregnant Now Program ( The Specialized Body & Mind Program) and released her deepest fears, reframed her thinking, and reset her body into fertility mode. She gave birth to her healthy baby girl naturally.

Scientific research shows that when a woman does a Body & Mind program she more than doubles her chances to get pregnant as well with natural conception as well with IVF. The success rate with IVF goes up from 10-20% to 42-52%. Isn’t this uplifting?

2. Time to Tune Into Your Womb.

Make sure your womb is a happy, safe place. When my client Wendy first pictured her womb, it was dark and closed. She had been trying to get pregnant for 9 years. She had had an abortion at 18, and there was still a lot of sad energy in her womb. Wendy was very surprised when I first guided her to her womb. We redesigned her womb into a beautiful, safe space. Wendy got pregnant within two months.

How does your womb feel? Is it a safe place? Imagine for a moment that you would be a baby, would you want to nestle there? How can you make your womb a cozy place?

3.Radical Self-Care Tips for You, Your Partner, and Your Baby Soul.

Name 3 things you can do for yourself to take extra good self-care and to connect with your body.

For example:

  1. Play in the bathtub at 11:00 AM, you don’t have to rush to work.
  2. Create your own fertility lotion and massage it all over your belly.
  3. Surprise yourself. Buy something very feminine just for yourself

4. Reconnect with Your Partner.

Name 3 things you can do to connect with your partner that brings you closer.

For example:

  1. Make love spontaneously, just for fun.
  2. Take a long walk together.
  3. Share lunch together because your partner is working from home.

5. Connect with Your Baby.

Name 3 things you can do to connect with your baby.

For example:

  1. Talk to your baby. Tell them a wonderful story.
  2. Write a letter to your baby.
  3. Tell your baby about the fun things you’re going to do when you’re together.

Do you want extra help? Watch my 3 videos where I explain:

1. The #1 Reason you’re not getting pregnant and how to overcome it.

2. How to release your Subconscious Blocks.

3. How to Believe, Embody and Behave Like Your Fertile Self.

—>Click Here to See Amazing Results of Body & Mind Work

Your Baby is waiting.

Your baby is waiting for you to prepare your body and mind so you can welcome her or him home.

There is hope and there is help.

This is the time. Don’t do the journey alone.

Click Here to Watch the FREE Video Series Why Can’t I Get Pregnant?

Reach out to me and let me help you in any way I can.

Sending you Sweet Baby Whispers

 About Saskia Röell

Saskia's mission is to help every woman who longs to be a mother to hold a baby in her arms. 

Saskia is a happy mother of 5, world-renowned Fertility Coach, International Speaker, and Bestselling Author. For over 20 years, she has helped women from all over the world, solve unexplained infertilityand get pregnant. Her clients are from all walks of life from Oprah Winfrey's staff members to stay at home moms.

Saskia is the organizer of the International Summit Get Pregnant Now, which provides a variety of help for women struggling to get pregnant. She has conducted hundreds of interviews with fertility experts around the world to give hope & support to women trying to get pregnant.

Saskia is the founder of The Infertility Support & Wisdom Podcast, which is a podcast where professionals provide support for women going through infertility struggles.

Saskia herself has been a featured expert at many events and has also been interviewed by NBC, Hers Magazine, Healthy Living, U.S. News, and Fox News Channel.

She has extensively studied how unhealed emotional trauma affects a woman's ability to conceive and birth her baby. She holds certificates in Naturopathy, Transformational Healing, Advanced Hypnotherapy, Somatic Healing, Birthing, and Fertility Therapy.

Commonly Asked Questions
About Working with Saskia

How does Saskia work with women to help  get them pregnant?

Does Saskia work with Private Clients? 

How can I choose which program is best for me?

Can anyone join your  programs?

Am I too old for the program?

Why does your program work? 

Why do so many of your clients get pregnant, even if they are over 40?

Do you work with women who’ve had abortions, multiple miscarriages or who have lost a child or have secondary infertility?

If I’ve had 3 miscarriages, can I still get pregnant when I work with you?

Who are your clients?

What if my husband is skeptical about body-mind work?

I know I have unresolved blockages that are contributing to my infertility. But I also believe my husband does too. Is your program appropriate for men? Is this program just for women?

My husband has an extremely low sperm count; The sperm he does have has mobility issues. My body is set and ready to go, no issues with me. So I guess my question would be, how can this program help us get pregnant? Can it help my sex drive?

I am curious, what or how you are able to help couples get pregnant when it's a male factor. We need to do IVF, and we can't get pregnant naturally.

What if IVF has failed for me many times?

What if I’ve struggled for 10 years?

Does the Get Pregnant Now Method really work?

What if I don’t do the homework?

Why is your program 4 months?

What is your most amazing result?

Can I contact some of your former clients to see what it's like to work with you?

Is there a way to get faster results?

Do you believe in miracles?

If the doctor told me my eggs are too old, will this still work?

How fast will I get pregnant with this program?

Am I guaranteed to Get Pregnant?

OK, I know I want to work with you. How do we get started?
