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If you're looking to get pregnant, this is for you. I am Saskia Roell and I've helped 1000s of women in their fertility journey, including everyone from Oscar winning celebrities, A listers. enterpreneurs and stay at home to be moms. Here's what I know to be true about unexplained infertility, your body is not broken, there is nothing wrong with you. It's not bad karma. Your body can do this. When you find the root cause of your infertility, everything changes, you can finally heal and get pregnant. If you're looking for the missing piece to your fertility journey, and the real truths from a science based and energetic perspective. Welcome. In this episode, I want to talk with you about birthing
Because there are so many woman who have trouble conceiving because they fear birth. And if you have fears about birthing, you're not alone. And because there are so many women who have that, I'm gonna have six episodes, at least about birthing the birth of my five children and the birth of my first book.

And in these episodes, you may experience it as an energetic download. And I do this because I, I so truly believe that there is so much to learning how to surrender, surrender to the idea that you can get pregnant surrender to the idea that your body is fertile, and knows how to get pregnant and carry your baby, and to the experience of birth itself. And also the arrival of the baby and the birth of you as a mother. So telling you about surrender is one thing, I like you to go, to go on a journey with me and get an idea of what that means. And I'd like you to show what the full power of surrender is, what the power of surrender can do to the wisdom of your body. During my five birth, I felt the profound power of surrender, like nothing I have ever experienced. And I wish that I had the access to that same depth of surrender in other areas. It was so profound, that I'm going to read the birth stories to you from my book, The Naked Truth of unexplained infertility, if you want to read the stories, or if you want to get a free chapter, go to thenakedtruthofunexplainedinfertility.com.

You can, when you go there, also get weekly audios of one of the stories I will read for a whole year you will get every week, on a Wednesday, the pregnancy pick me up where there's lots of tips and tools, and I retell the audio story and there's many, many resources if you're wanting to get help to get pregnant, and that's the naked truth of an unexplainedinfertility.com. 

So in this episode, I'm going to read the story of the birth of my oldest. And I want to take you with me on that journey. Because if I think back to the birth of my children, there is absolutely nothing that can compare with these levels of complete, complete surrender to my body and to my soul. And I
I want to somehow convey that to you. And I believe that if the world knew about how sacred birthing could be, it could be one of the most profound moments of your life birthing to me. I believe it's a lost arts. And I of course I realize not every woman has experienced the birthing experience she envisioned. Some of us can not birth naturally in certain situations. And of course, the safety of you and your baby should always come first. But I believe that you can and if possible should give birth and as I call it, not labor. If you if you can give natural birth and also are in your favor. Think about it, that this is the most extraordinary experience you can give yourself Have your baby.

Unfortunately in the world, there is been so much in the media there are so many celebrities influencers who have shared stories where it was horrible or maybe your friends too, or maybe your mom, I, I want you to open your mind that it can be a magnificent, profound experience.
The story I'm going to read to you is about Florian our first time our first child who was born in Taiwan.
Preparation for my first delivery did not reach any further than learning how to wash a plastic baby though in a Taiwanese hospital.

But all my birth were sacred to me. It is 3am and it's my two dates January 13. We parked in front of the hospital and my husband seat helps me out of the car.

The nurse looks at me, I'm panting and in the middle of a contraction. And she says hospital for no state. We must have looked like Mary and Joseph. I ignore her comments and sit down on a bench in the hallway. What was she telling us in her best English? I could hardly talk because the next wave washed over me. I'm getting my baby now. I'm mumble full hospital no bet for you. She says trying to communicate her authority again.

Another nurse comes along and she looks at me. And she points at the stretcher behind a curtain in the emergency room. Lie down is all she says. I climb on the stretcher and wonder what will happen next. My Files are lost. It takes the nurse a while to figure out what to do. Even though I have visited this Chinese hospital every couple of weeks for the last seven months. They can't find my name. However, I know that Taiwanese woman have babies here. And I figure if they can do it. So can I
the contractions are coming within seconds instead of minutes. Now. The doctor is not in sight. And I wonder if they know how far dilated I am. I can feel my baby dropping the pressures hard to resist see keeps reassuring me I'm doing fine that I have all the time in the world.

And I know I don't. Suddenly another nurse comes in. And she moves me into a room with patients who recover after operations and their family members are there to help. It's accustomed forum is to us. It's a room with at least eight people. Family members are lying on the floor.

And patients are in their beds. And there I am. I feel so uncomfortable and I feel my baby coming but I can't allow it. I sit on my leg and I push the baby's head up into my belly. Never in my life when I push up again. It goes against my body's wisdom. Nobody is here to help me. And I really need assistance. The gynecologist had told me over and over to never push if no one was there. He said I could rip open and die.

I'm not looking forward to that. So I push up instead of down. For one divine moments. I sit still and pull my legs up. Due to this odd movement. An old lady peeks behind my legs and she streaks and stands up from her chair. She runs to find a doctor. The old woman must have been an angel sent to save me. Her tone of urgency set something in motion within seconds. invisible hands roll me into the delivery room. It's dark and everything feels cold and metallic. As the nurse straps me onto a small errand table. My legs are in stirrups. I can't move yet because I'm afraid I will roll off the rather small table. After she leaves I'm alone.

SIP is taken to another room to change his clothes. My contractions are gone. I feel very peaceful. though. I'm confused about what to do next. Doctor Jen steps in. Suddenly all is well. I'm saved. My favorite doctor looks at me with questioning eyes. He thinks I'm doing this too, too fast. Given this is my first baby. He checks to see how far dilated I am. You can polish. He says speaking the magic words, though. They are too late. I have pushed my baby up and tucked him tightly back into my womb. I have no push contractions. My belly has come to arrest. Everyone stares at me, including sleep.

You go and push says Dr. Chan again. I wish he knew how he was too late with his encouraging words. And then I take a breath. This is I have a push contraction, but there's nothing there. I pretend that I feel another one. And I reached deep within with all my power. I connect my mind, my body and my spirit to this baby so and suddenly everything feels easy and effortless. Wash. Florian is born in one beautiful movement. A moment later, Dr. Chen holds him like a trophy in the air. You first the Son he says with pride 30 years ago, this culture openly believed it was far better to worse a baby board and a girl and my husband would be celebrated for his young potential. Dr. Chan is proud of sleep, very happy at this auspicious moment as if he had played a major role and created a gender of our child. He smiles at sleep, and gives him a thumbs up. As if to say good work.

I feel as if I'm not of this world. As I hold our newborn in my arms. You are so beautiful are the first words I say to Florian. Before I know it, they take him away, roll me out of the room, my stretcher is pushed again, against the wall. Only 15 minutes have passed. Since I was in the same spot. The old lady who saved me is fast asleep on the floor.

This was the birth of my first child. And here's the lesson about that.

No matter if you are in a foreign country or if you don't speak the language or the fact that you are all alone or that the hospital is full all of that aside. Your body does the job. Your body doesn't care if the hospital is full. Or if you don't understand Chinese or or any of that your body is focused on one task only that she knows to do so well and that she's designed to do and that's birthing. Your body is designed to birth your body is the side took get pregnant and carry your baby and trust that and don't go in waiting to create the perfect sterile circumstances. And of course you can do that as much as possible. But know your body is equipped to do this.

Thanks so much for listening. If you're looking to get pregnant, I want to help you go to description or link to set up a fertility consultation or take our fertility block quiz or the is my egg ready for my baby quiz to figure out what is stopping you from conceiving your baby. I am sending you so many sweet baby whispers my wish for you is to become a happy mom.

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If you're looking to get pregnant, this is for you. I am Saskia Boyle and I've helped 1000s of women in their fertility journey, including everyone from Oscar winning celebrities, A listers. enterpreneurs and stay at home to be moms. Here's what I know to be true about unexplained infertility. Your body is not broken. There is nothing wrong with you. It's not bad karma. Your body can do this. When you find the root cause of your infertility. Everything changes, you can finally heal and get pregnant. If you're looking for the missing piece to your fertility journey and the real truths from a science based and energetic perspective. 

Welcome. In this episode, I'm reading a story about Jana and I talk about athletes with fertility issues. This is from my book, The Naked Truth of unexplained infertility.

I want to talk about athletes with fertility issues. And in 2009, there was a study of 3000 women by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. And they found that there is an inverse relationship between heart work as part of an elite exercise program and getting pregnant and the studies showed that woman who drove their bodies hard to get in Super shape may not have enough energy left to support getting pregnant. The study was based on material from the Health Survey of North Trundle look from 1984 to 9086, and a follow up survey in 1995, to 1997. And all of these woman who participated were healthy and of childbearing age, and none of them had a history of fertility problems.

With by putting their bodies to the limits, elite athletes like marathon runners, dancers or gymnast are more likely to disturb bodily hormonal balances because of their focused physical work. And this can impact their fertility.

Obviously discount for any woman who exercises excessively. And according to fertility experts, 2012 to 18% of athletes have trouble conceiving for these reasons.

And I believe there's nothing wrong with working out and getting into super shape. But what the study showed is that this is not just hitting the gym for a workout. It's working out with driving urgency that makes you push even harder to do those last 10 laps and run that last five miles and push past your fatigue. This kind of driven performance could and I'm saying good could lower the energy necessary to conceive your baby. And I want to share with you a story from my book The Naked Truth of unexplained infertility of Jannah. And if you want to get weekly storytime, audios and tips and tools for me, you can go to the naked truth of unexplained infertility.com That is the naked truth of an unexplained infertility.com. This is a story of Jana.

Jana, Can I skip the getting pregnant part?

I'm 36. So Jana, and I've been trying to get pregnant for several years and I've done three rounds of IVF but they failed. I know I've got mental blocks around this, but I don't know what they are.
Jana had been a gymnast since she was five. And she grew up as a tomboy and she was used to rigid training schedules and going to tournaments. And she had won many medals and her body was lean muscles and she liked it that way.

I asked her, tell me how you feel about getting pregnant.

I really want to baby but I don't want to be pregnant. I wish I could just skip that part. How do you feel about the feminine energy of a rounded pregnant body?

I cannot even imagine how my body will change as I become pregnant. What if I get big and fat?
I hear you talk about feminine energy but I don't even know what that is.

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If you're looking to get pregnant, this is for you. I am Saskia Boyle and I've helped 1000s of women in their fertility journey, including everyone from Oscar winning celebrities, A listers. enterpreneurs and stay at home to be moms. Here's what I know to be true about unexplained infertility. Your body is not broken. There is nothing wrong with you. It's not bad karma. Your body can do this. When you find the root cause of your infertility. Everything changes, you can finally heal and get pregnant. If you're looking for the missing piece to your fertility journey and the real truths from a science based and energetic perspective. 

Welcome. In this episode, I want to read you a story from my book The Naked Truth of unexplained infertility.

And I want to read a story about Nora who wasn't ovulating. And also how Yeah, how you can rewire your brain. And what's the secret? Nora? I'm not ovulating. I 45 and single said Nora, who felt that her window of time had closed. I'm not ovulating. What can I do?

The only way nor I could get pregnant was to use a sperm donor and IVF. But the clinic had turned her down because she wasn't ovulating.

And unless she chose to use the donor egg. They couldn't work with her. Nora had been tested and she was not in menopause. But she did have fears surrounding pregnancy and motherhood. When we begin, the first fear that surfaced was how can I support my child's if I'm single?
And as Nora opened her mind, to the idea of having her baby.

She also opened new avenues about how could she support her child. But then other fears began to surface. Most importantly, Nora feared that he would die in childbirth. Now, if you've listened to recent episodes, especially the trauma block episodes, it's very interesting because you can understand how that can impact your conception. It's very, super easy, you can go back and to listen to that I highly recommend because it makes you understand how that has a direct impact and how that puts your body on the fear program versus the open to conceive program. So Nora, she feared that she would die and as a single mom of course, she was terrified that she might have to leave her baby without a parent. Together we released this powerful life long fear. And next we did in our soul healing to connect Nora to her purpose as a mother. And she resonated with the idea that a little soul would choose her as a mom, simply because Nora was such a unique, fun loving women.

Daily, Nora returned to her thoughts and visioning her eggs the glowing with vibrant health. She reconnected with her womb, she prepared it for her baby and embodies her fertile energy by choosing different clothes. And she started to live more relaxed, a very different pace. And most of the time, she felt herself with happy, expectant thoughts. I told her that being the energy of expectancy meant that you're aligning to the frequency of pregnancy, your frustration is aligned to conception. When she returned to the IVF clinic after four months, they were astonished. What happened. Norris Hmh had gone on, they were able to retrieve eight eggs and she was ready for IVF
only one egg fertilized in a healthy embryo and it became quite a challenge for Nora to stay in the expected state after the embryo was implanted but she did and she got pregnant with her baby. The first try the release of fears the alteration of mindset, the changes in behavior, they can indeed alter the prevailing physical reality they can indeed make you ovulate they can indeed change your AMS your FSH eight. If you want to get more tips, more tools get a weekly audio, where I read the story from my book The Naked Truth of unexplained infertility, you can go to the naked truth of unexplained infertility.com. And get the help you want. Now, here is the secret to rewiring the brain. How was Nora able to go from not ovulating to ovulating?

The answer lay in her willingness to work daily on her thoughts on her beliefs. And on her behavior. Here's the secret it's really about consistency. The consistency that's the secret to rewiring the brain doing it once doesn't matter. Doing it twice doesn't matter, but we all know consistency. That's what it creates. And the subconscious mind is like a tape recorder. And unless you change the tapes, your subconscious mind will not change. The subconscious mind rules the body. So how do you retrain the subconscious mind habit, sustained, constant, repetitive habits. And it may seem boring, but what you're doing is building new neural pathways in your brain. And this has to happen until they take over and become your dominant thoughts patterns. That's the bedrock of the work that I've been doing with woman for over two decades. Thanks so much for listening. If you're looking to get pregnant, I want to help you go to description or link to set up a fertility consultation or take our fertility block quiz. Or the is my egg ready for my baby quiz to figure out what is stopping you from conceiving your baby. I am sending you so many sweet baby whispers my wish for you is to become a happy mom.

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If you're looking to get pregnant, this is for you. I am Saskia Roell and I've helped 1000s of women in their fertility journey, including everyone from Oscar winning celebrities, A listers. enterpreneurs and stay at home to be moms. Here's what I know to be true about unexplained infertility, your body is not broken, there is nothing wrong with you. It's not bad karma. Your body can do this. When you find the root cause of your infertility. Everything changes, you can finally heal and get pregnant. If you're looking for the missing piece to your fertility journey, and the real truths from a science based and energetic perspective. Welcome. In this episode, I want to talk with you about the egg that you ovulate this month. And it will make a lot of sense to you. If you've listened to the episodes about the different blocks, the trauma block, the emotional block, the mindset block, and the body mistrust block, you will very well understands how this episode about the vibration of your egg, how your mental state your emotion, your mindsets, impact your egg directly and therefore your baby in the if you want to find them there in the last recent episodes. So super easy, but I highly recommend you do that. So what is so interesting that the Ag you ovulate this month has been prepped by you for the last four months, the act of this cycle went through her journey of 121 days. And that's what I want to talk with you about because you may be very, very surprised and how important this is to know. But first, I want to say that the door to motherhood is not shut for you. Maybe it feels like that. And I may hear you thinking but how do I open that door? And my answer is there is something that needs to be healed. First, maybe you started out the journey and thoughts. Now I want to be your mom, and then it didn't work out that way. And you get on this fertility journey, that very fast can become an emotional roller coaster. And then because it's an emotional roller coaster, one part of the months you arehopeful, the next part you're hopeless, your emotions are all over the place. It impacts your hormones and emotional block sets in.

 Then, as time goes on, you start to wonder, is there something wrong with me? Or am I too old or are my eggs too old, and then you add a mindset block. And when all of this goes on and it takes longer one block activates the other. And you develop a body mistrust block and the cycle goes on. And I want to help you take out take out the cycle. And if you haven't done that, please listen to the other episodes about that because what I'm going to share with you will make a lot of sense. First, the door to motherhood can be opened. And if you heard me about the different locks and how that can impact your fertility and your reproductive energy, it makes sense. And it can put your body as I call it in the fear program or the fight or flight state which yeah shuts the door to motherhood and your body is wise and it makes your body in survival mode. Now, here's the thing, you must let go of certain things first, maybe certain emotions or maybe a mindset maybe a trauma, or maybe a stress or maybe a body mistrust issue. So you can be in the best shape to grow your baby. Because then your body can open the door to motherhood isn't shut. I hope that makes sense. In the get pregnant now program I help my clients to reestablish the trust, the trust with their body, the trust with their inner knowing. And I want to show you how that works and what happens because your body didn't feel you. It's just trying to communicate with you. What needs to shift before you become a mother or have another baby it's wise and that's why the door feels closed. Now there is a misunderstanding of I want to clear a lot of woman's think I just wait. And I hope for next month to get a positive pregnancy test. But, of course, you want to get pregnant as soon as possible. But this is not the best idea for you and your baby. Unless you have healed these blocks. What many women don't realize is that yeah, the power is inside of your body, the power is inside of your mind. And that's where he wants to look and heal First, your body and your mind are 100% connected. Now, from the day that the egg that will be your baby, it has 120 Day maturation process. The egg takes approximately 120 days to mature from the primordial stage into the viable follicle ready for ovulation. Now, this gives every woman a chance to affect the quality of your egg. In other words, the quality of your baby. Now the egg that's released in January, that's the baby egg that you ovulate in April. Does that make sense? The Accu released this month has already been on 120 day journey. So you have 120 days programming your egg. So it's not just you wait, then you see how the next cycle goes hoping for the best, then you're missing out on four months of programming. Imprinting your egg with the best possible energy, there is 120 days of determining how the egg that ovulates the one that will be your baby is going to be. So if you think back, what have been your thoughts and emotions over the past 120 days that impact your baby. And to take it even a bit further. anxious thoughts can impact your egg, create an anxious egg, which creates ultimately it can create an anxious baby imagine the egg is saturated in the emotions you've had for the last four months. Maybe the trauma you carried, maybe it's mental stressor. It's imprinted in the egg. And imagine that your baby salt like how you felt and acted like that. Here's the thing. IVF doesn't work. Sometimes, because the egg is maybe a really fearful egg. This carries the energy of trauma, or it's an very emotional egg or a fear egg. The egg is carrying your energy and it may look on the outside like a perfect egg. And do not go in blame or guilt if you hear this, but it's an interesting awareness. Because if you've been trying to get pregnant and it hasn't happened, you want to look in every different angle. If they say the quality of your eggs isn't good, well take a look at these kinds of things because it may be explainable. Now. Imagine It's 120 day process and you will have the chance to prep your eggs. mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually. Yeah. Your eggs are not separated from you. The egg is imprinted your entire mental emotional states, this x connected to you. And what is the egg vibrating? What is the consciousness of that egg? If you want to find that out, you can I've created a quiz. You can go to getpregnant now.com/eggquiz. You go to getpregnantnow.com/egg quiz.

Here's the thing. Your mental emotional states absolutely impact the physical states absolutely affects it. And here's an interesting visual visual. Imagine this is Baby's baby laying in his bassinet, and 420 days this mother is just whispering in his ears. Don't trust your body. Be afraid your body's broken. There's something wrong with you. I'm not sure you're healthy. Maybe you're gonna get sick. Maybe you don't make it. What would happen to that baby? What state will the baby be in? Does that make sense? I take it a little far. But this is actually what we're doing to ourself. If you're trying to get pregnant for a year, that's an X amount of days that you're messing messaging message us Are baby whispers into your egg? I truly believe and I know energy matters. Another example, imagine a bird she's laying her eggs in this nest that she's built, but it's really not a safe place, because apparently there are predators. And the mother is very scared and she abandons the nest on and off, she abandons. And while she's brooding, she abandons Well, that's basically what we're doing when we talk negatively about ourselves negatively about our eggs and imprint them with with negative mistrusting messages. Now, with the bird. Apparently, she keeps coming back. And what happens in the end, the baby birds, they come out of their eggs, but they're, they're anxious from the start. I hope it makes sense. Your eggs are not outside of you, they are inside, so your energy matters. And often in the fertility journey, when you don't get pregnant, you look outside, everywhere you may be going online searching there, you may start to listen to all the doctors who tell you, you're too old, your eggs are too old, you only have 1% chance. I know from a lot of clients, who, in the end, when we did the work, they got pregnant, but they were told these things, but you go outside yourself, you go in your head, you leave your body. And yeah, your energy is all over the place an energy matters. And if you're distressed, I know that's what we do we go outside of her body. 

But the answer is within and the door to motherhood is not shut. And it's an it's it isn't that your eggs are beds, don't go into guilt. But fear is stopping their full potential. And that's probably why sometimes seemingly, a really good embryo with IVF is sometimes pregnancy doesn't happen. And nobody understands. And it isn't always the physical quality. Of course, it's super important. Of course, the physical aspect is hugely, but imagine, you go to the doctor's office, and the doctor places an x ray and the egg looks really good. And physically, it looks really good. But what's going on the insight, there is an assessment from the outside that doesn't solve the problem. And when when I talk to my clients, I know it's explainable. I know why the body blocks the pregnancy and why did the door tomorrow isn't shut. When I hear their fears and their blocks. It feels like an x ray on my desk and I understand why the blocks put the body in fight and flight mode and why the door seems closed. And also why the energy of the egg and why the consciousness of the egg is imprinted with the mother's energy. And I can tell you exactly where that is and and how to open the door to motherhood and get yourself on as I call it. The open to conceive program instead of the fear program, I can give you an exact explanation of why things are as they are. And I hope it helps you to understand why you want to be ahead of the game and not hope and wait for the best if you get pregnant next month. So go to get pregnant now.com forward slash Equis get pregnant now.com For slash Equus and find out where are you? What are what are what is what is your egg vibrating. Because, yeah, of course you want to get pregnant. And that is the most important important thing. But you can do so much you can prep yourself, you can prep your body, your womb, your egg, your state of being so you're vibrating on another level, you're vibrating on the level of overflow with lots of fertile reproductive energy. And that's what we do in the get pregnant now program. It's a four month program where you have the chance and all the tools to prep yourself, your body, your baby your womb for getting pregnant, and it's not only about getting pregnant, it's also about staying pregnant and it's almost like a baby mother upgrade. And it shows you also how to absolutely be the best mother you can be. And again, there is nothing wrong with you. And you can absolutely open the door and there's lots of hope when you ask for help. So if you want to find out where you are With your energy and a consciousness of your egg, it's super simple. Do the quiz and find where you're at that's get pregnant now.com forward slash egg quiz. I, I don't want you and guilt there is nothing wrong with you. But yeah, take a look and see where you are. And I hope it helps. And it gives insight how you have the power within how you can impact the quality of your eggs. One of my clients, she came to me she wasn't ovulating. And she was 45 years old and the doctor had given up hope with her. And she knew that she was meant to be a mother. And she joined the program. And we looked that all her blocks were there. She had a huge body mistress blocks she thought she was too old. She thought her eggs were really really bad. She had an emotional block, she had a mindset block. And she was in a in a in a roller coaster and ready to give up. And when she started to connect to her body, her womb, she released a deeper blocks. And her body started to to to blossom and moved out of the fear and flight state and started to get on the open to conceive in her program, where she started to crushed her body her wound her eggs as she was daily, saying to herself and imagining her eggs in this beautiful, abundant state of reproductive overflow. Very interesting. Her Hmh went up, she started to ovulate, and she was pregnant five months later and she gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, this is possible. But take a look and see where you can find to help. There is hope and there is help. Thanks so much for listening. If you're looking to get pregnant, I want to help you go to description or link to set up a fertility consultation or take our fertility block quiz. Or the is my egg ready for my baby quiz to figure out what is stopping you from conceiving your baby. 

I am sending you so many sweet baby whispers my wish for you is to become a happy mom.

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In this episode, I'm going to talk with you about the body mistress block. And the last three episodes, I've explained what the impacts of the blocks are about the trauma block, the mindset block the emotional block. And if you have not had a chance to listen to those, I would highly recommend to go back to the last episodes.
And hear and see if you recognize yourself and one of the blocks. And as I have said that, in my other episodes, often woman have one main block. And then there can be secondary blocks. And in this episode, specifically, I want to talk with you about the body mistress block, what it is, how you can overcome it, how it stops you, and what happens when you heal your body massage block.
How can you tell if you have a body mistrust block and these blocks can be very subtle? They can they can be kind of under the surface? And don't fool yourself where you think, Well, I have a lot of throws, and I try really, really to be positive.

Take a look. Is there anything on the service? Could it be that there there has been a trauma and it can be when you were very young? Or can it be that there's an emotional block or events. In the meanwhile you have a mindset block or by now you don't trust your body actually. So that's what I want to talk with you.

In this episode, your body mistrust block. Often when you have a body mistrust block, you're not connected to your wound. It is something you'll never think about. You can be angry if your body feel your body has failed you maybe you have miscarried, and you feel the energy is still in your body. You don't trust your body, really, you don't trust your eggs, you always think there's something wrong with you, and your body and you're jealous when other other women get pregnant and you think they have something you don't what's wrong with you, their bodies work and your body doesn't. And you're always looking for proof that your body doesn't work and it's not gonna work. And when you think about your womb, you think it is as as as it's, and it's very logical, you are that way. Don't blame yourself. Because maybe there's been a lot of treatments. And you found a lot of proof why you didn't conceive and why you can trust your body.

Now, how does the body mistress block block a healthy pregnancy? Here's something very beautiful.
Your womb in the Chinese philosophy is your second heart. Isn't that amazing? If you think of it as your baby grows, in your second heart, with your heart, you want your baby so much and your baby grows and your second heart. And here's the thing, your body, your womb is your second heart energetically. So when you're not connected to your womb, it creates that dark, disconnected energy for your baby it does not safe to commit. And if you think something's wrong with your body, that your body can't conceive, your body listens and your body starts to feel there's something wrong with your body your body listens.

And when you look for proof that your body doesn't listen, it will listen your body's operating on your command. So if you don't trust your body to conceive, it's almost like a self fulfilling prophecy.
Every thoughts as a neuro chemistry reaction in your body, your distrust in your body negatively impacts your ability to conceive on a physical level. And again Don't be self critical if you hear this because probably you have experienced where you can't trust your body but I'm gonna talk what is needed to heal your body mistress block but if you want to find out if you have a body mistress block, go to getpregnantnow.com/fertilityquiz that is getpregnantnow.com/fertility quiz, because you it's the 62nd quiz and it's super simple to find out but you may be amazed. Now what is needed To heal the body mistress block is you need to clear your room energetically, first and turn it in this beautiful safe space for your baby.

And this goes together. Obviously, it sounds easier than it is. But it's absolutely possible. This goes together, of course with your mindset, where you start to change your mindset. And everything has to do with discipline, consistently, re training yourself. And when you do that the body listens. And there is so much scientific proof about how the body and mind are connected, and how a woman can double her chances to conceive when she does a body mind program, because the two are seamlessly connected. Now, when you trust your body fully.

And it doesn't matter what the doctor says, or what the test result says, your your trust in your body, that it can, it's very encouraging for your body. And when you have your periods and you see it as a sign that your body is healthy, and you picked her that you can bring your baby home.
And instead of feeling that the womb was unsafe, and the womb was cold, imagine that your your baby will thrive. And that it's beautiful. And this is this is what your baby wants, like to feel that it's a safe place. And imagine right now, like, if you're a woman would talk, what would she say to you?
Is it like, give me more love? Is it like give me more attention? What would your body say? won't say.
And that gives that to your wound. And when you think of your wound, and what I often see with my clients is that when they're having body mistrust issues, that their wound was a very dark and cold place.

And that it is totally possible to redesign your womb, imagine that you can create your womb into this beautiful space. And that every day when you visit your womb, energetically, you create this loving environment instead of being disconnected to having a cold, dark place. Make it a beautiful welcome place for your baby. I had one of my clients who was trying for many, many years. And she Sandra was her name. And when I connected her to her womb, she was very surprised that her womb was this dark, cold place and we see had had two miscarriages. And there was still this lingering sadness in her womb. But we had to clear her Whoomp and create her own recreate her womb and she had to reclaim her womb because it was a complete lost part. It wasn't she was completely living in our heads and her whole body wasn't part of her and her womb certainly not. And she can't became pregnant five months later. This is possible. The good news is I've helped so many women get pregnant, who who could reclaim their womb could heal their blocks and could consistently over the course of four months, re train their minds, retrain their bodies and get their eggs also in a beautiful place because don't forget that the egg you the egg journey is a four month journey. It's 120 day journey from the moment the maturation process, if you raise that egg, so to say in my eggs are bad quality, my eggs are too old, and you saturate them for four months. And then when you ovulate, you have an egg that is impregnated with all of that. All of the mistrust issues, all of the fearful thoughts, it makes a difference.

I hope that that makes sense. And my client Mary's he was 47 I've shared it in my last episodes too. And everybody told her she was too old. And yeah, they She didn't trust her body anymore. And Mary feared that her eggs weren't good. And she had a very deep body mistrust block. Because the doctors had told her it was impossible. She even believed that her friends told her so what she was doing, the body mistress block was heavily impacting her. And we released her in may get pregnant now program her body, Mistress bluff, and she started to feel very trustworthy of her body. And she started to feel emotional stable, and her womb got very beautiful. And she got pregnant within two months of twins. If you have unexplained infertility, your body is very likely running on the fear program, as I call it, and when your body is on the fear program, which is caused by one of the blocks or more, your body is in fight and flight.

And it's really behind the scenes that this message is given to your body. And it's like putting bad gasoline in your tank, your car doesn't run very smoothly. And any medical treatment or fertility treatment is not stronger than your fear. And if you have a deep body mistrust issue, it's not going to work. Because your fear will win. And your subconscious mind rules the body because you want to address the block, release your fear. And, and your heart wants nothing more than having a baby. And I know you try to be positive. But the hard part is it's very difficult to keep that consistent. Because half of the month, it may be in hopeful state, but hopeful is not a very steady state. And then the period comes and then you go and hopelessness and you don't trust your body and you're like see it doesn't work. So your body goes in the fear program. And yeah, where you feel your baby, wanting your baby is the most important thing the body starts to protect you from your fear is in the fight or flight states and your body is going to win. And when your body is on the same program as you when the two of them are aligned, because your blocks are released. And and you really feel you can embody your verta fertility and you can embody what your body is designed. Everything changes, because I believe your body is designed to conceive. And yeah, I know, I know. It's just total to be true, the chances will be so much higher, because your body is 100% connected to you. And yeah, I know it's the truth, your chances will be so much higher. And I've helped so many women worldwide, release their blocks and might get pregnant, no program and have their baby. Even women who tried for 10 years or were 47 years old or tried 16 IVs. There's nothing
right with them or wrong with you. But they found what was blocking them and they overcame their blocks and they became in this beautiful certain states their wombs were the were safe. Their body was running on the open to conceive program, their eggs started to blossom again. Some women that from not ovulating, they started to ovulate because everything changed and I want that for you too. So, I know for certain that once your blocks are removed, it is possible and unexplained infertility is explainable. But you want to find the root cause and you must find the reason what is stopping your body from conception.

And when you find a reason everything can change.

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