About Saskia Röell

Saskia's mission is to help every woman who longs to be a mother to hold a baby in her arms.
Saskia is a happy mother of 5, world-renowned Fertility Coach, International Speaker, and Bestselling Author. For over 20 years, she has helped women from all over the world, solve unexplained infertility, and get pregnant. Her clients are from all walks of life from Oprah Winfrey's staff members to stay at home moms.
Saskia is the organizer of the International Summit Get Pregnant Now, which provides a variety of help for women struggling to get pregnant. She has conducted hundreds of interviews with fertility experts around the world to give hope & support to women trying to get pregnant.
Saskia is the founder of The Infertility Support & Wisdom Podcast, which is a podcast where professionals provide support for women going through infertility struggles.
Saskia herself has been a featured expert at many events and has also been interviewed by NBC, Hers Magazine, Healthy Living, U.S. News, and Fox News Channel.
She has extensively studied how unhealed emotional trauma affects a woman's ability to conceive and birth her baby. She holds certificates in Naturopathy, Transformational Healing, Advanced Hypnotherapy, Somatic Healing, Birthing, and Fertility Therapy.
The Results of Body & Mind Work Speak for Themselves..
We are celebrating the birth of....

I was skeptical but willing to try anything
I was skeptical but willing to try anything so I set up my first session with Saskia. In my very first session with her, she was able to pinpoint a mental block I didn’t even know I had. Growing up I had watched older cousins struggle with infertility having to use in vitro, as well as friends not having any luck. Once my husband and I decided to start TTC I went into it thinking this is going to be really hard, we might need some help, or maybe we won't be able to at all.
Hearing that Saskia knew exactly where to start with me. Saskia helped me relax, clear my head, give me a new mindset and most of all prepare myself and my body for what it so badly wanted to do.
I fell pregnant before our final sessions even came to an end. I am grateful daily for Saskia and how she helped me. It comforts me to know that she is there helping other women with this shared dream to become a Mother, there is truly no greater gift."
I am pregnant!
13 Weeks Pregnant
I had blocks and old beliefs which prevented me from getting pregnant!
Our Baby Girl will be Joined Us Earth Side Early February!
I was headed for 40 and feeling hopeless
We’d been referred for ivf but my heart wasn’t in it, I just couldn’t see why it would work. When I first heard Saskia speak I felt a flood of emotion; finally someone understood what was going on for me. I was so convinced that she could help me that it was easy to persuade my husband to abandon ivf for a programme with Saskia.
I totally believed Saskia could help me achieve my dream and just a few weeks into the exercises and visualisations I discovered I was pregnant. I’m convinced that Saskia played a huge part in getting me pregnant, keeping me pregnant and has now helped me prepare for the birth of my baby daughter. I’m so grateful and would recommend her in a heartbeat."
After 7 years of trying, Pregnant at age 45!
I specially loved your guided inner journeys!
We have been trying to get pregnant for over a year and half
"This was amazing… We have been trying to get pregnant for over a year and a half with no apparent fertility issues. One night laying in bed, not being able to sleep, I thought “why? Why can I not get pregnant? The first time was “easy” ( not planned), so why now? I picked up my phone to scroll FB and saw an ad for your webinar! I immediately knew I needed to listen and I did! I cried because I KNEW this was my problem. Well that was a few weeks ago… I JUST got a positive test!!! Miracle!"
The doctors told me I was too old at 43 and my eggs were not good enough!
I got pregnant within a week!
"I am so blessed to have found Saskia! Just at the right moment, with one spot left, I was able to join the workshop and was successfully pregnant in a week!! What an amazing Christmas present! Saskia is so gifted and talented! she allowed a positive space to take place in my womb and I will be forever grateful!"
~Annabelle O
I gave birth to twins!
She helped prepare my mind and body for my IVF treatment. When I went in to the surgery room for my egg retrieval, I could hear Saskia’s voice in my head, and it was like she was there with me, holding my hand, and it helped me feel more relaxed, significantly more than I would have without her help.
My first cycle didn’t work, and I felt devastated. However, being able to speak to Saskia was a lifesaver. I felt lucky and grateful for the extra support and care from her. She helped me refocus on the process of getting pregnant and realigned my mind and body. I gave birth to twins!"
I know all the work we did has helped prepare for this miracle!
I was very excited and wanted to share my good news of being pregnant. I just took the test on Saturday, so I know it is still very early days. But I am celebrating getting this far. Thank you for your help!
We implanted 3 embryos this time and opted for the natural process, which meant no additional drugs. The doctor said either natural or controlled with drugs would be appropriate for me, and the natural process sounded nicer and could take place quicker, so it felt right.
I know all the work we did has helped prepare for this miracle!
My Family Will Be Complete
After 2 miscarriages and 3 years of monthly trying I never thought I be a mother
"After 2 miscarriages and 3 years of monthly trying I never thought I be a mother. I tried everything and was obsessed and could think of nothing else anymore. My life was totally on hold. You changed my mind and my thinking . You got me out of the hamster wheel of negativity. Your fertility program was a breath of fresh air. It changed my relationship with my body, my baby, my mind, my soul, and my husband. Our daughter Bella was born on due day! I am forever grateful and recommend you to all women who want a baby.”
I released the worry and conceived my son
I released my fears and opened my heart for my second child
""When I first met Saskia, I had been trying to conceive my second child for three years. After talking with Saskia briefly, I felt this overwhelming sense that I was in the right place. I felt I had many energy and mental blocks within that were getting in the way with my fertility and that Saskia could really help clear my body as well as my mind. I was right!! I met with Saskia on three separate occasions. And a few days after the third session, I conceived my beautiful son. Thank you, Saskia, for helping me to release my fears and open my heart to allow room for the conception of my second child.”
~ KRT, Massachusetts
I had mental and psychological blocks
“I knew I wanted to work with Saskia right after the first introduction call, because of her obvious love and passion about motherhood. And the second reason I wanted to work with her is she also works with you to find your soul purpose. It’s nice to hear her excitement of the whole process of getting pregnant, carrying the baby, giving birth, raising healthy happy kids, and at the same time developing yourself and what’s important to you. After three years of trying to get pregnant, I suspected my issue was partially mental or psychological blocks, and she addresses those directly, but in an easy and fun way. She helped calm some of my fears and insecurities, and reminded me getting pregnant is a process. And now, I am pregnant with twins!! Saskia is a beautiful, calm, understanding, patient, and fun soul. I can’t recommend or thank her enough!"
I thought becoming a mother was not in the cards for me
"After 6 years of trying to get pregnant I thought becoming a mother was not in the cards for me. I had tried everything and wanted to give up. Then I met Saskia who opened me up to the love of motherhood. She guided me to the womb which was dark and closed. The sessions released deep seated fears about motherhood. I became pregnant within two months after 6 years of waiting! My daughter is the joy of my life. Thank you for believing in me."
~Isabella Di Marco, Mexico
Released my blocks that caused infertility
“After 1 1/2 years of trying to get pregnant without success the deep inner sessions with Saskia released my blocks that caused infertility. Wow, I am so happy to be pregnant now! Thank you so much Saskia for all you have done to make this miracle happen for us. We could not have done this without your support.”
Our biggest dream come true
"We’re pregnant :) :) :) We found out last night! I’m over the moon I’m so excited. Your support was critical, Saskia, thank you so much for believing in me, being flexible to meet my needs, and making time to support me these past two months, especially when you were abroad. We couldn’t be happier, it’s our biggest dream come true. I’ll connect again soon but wanted to let you know right away and thank you for being such an important part of making it happen. This is incredible."
I had experienced trauma that was still locked in my body
“I never understood why pregnancy was so difficult for me until Saskia showed me why my body was blocking the conception. In my youth I had experienced trauma that was still locked in my body. When I released this experience I became pregnant within 5 months. I loved how Saskia guided and supported me with her deep knowledge and experience. She opened me up to conception again and I will birth my twins in two months!! My dream is coming true. “
Our biggest dream come true
"We’re pregnant :) :) :) We found out last night! I’m over the moon I’m so excited. Your support was critical, Saskia, thank you so much for believing in me, being flexible to meet my needs, and making time to support me these past two months, especially when you were abroad. We couldn’t be happier, it’s our biggest dream come true. I’ll connect again soon but wanted to let you know right away and thank you for being such an important part of making it happen. This is incredible."
I loved Saskia's guided inner work
"Saskia supported me in getting pregnant for the second time. Even though I worked already through blocks and useless belief systems, When I wanted to get pregnant for the second time I had doubts of getting pregnant again. Because this time I could not do IVF. It had to happen naturally. Saskia has a great talent to address my real issues. She guided me through the last knots I had in my emotional system to feel 100% ready, good, and sure about my second pregnancy. And, she gave me trust that I could also conceive without IVF, I loved Saskia’s guided inner work. It’s amazing how she could navigate me each session from a negative into an resourceful state. It wasn’t long time after I got pregnant again. Now I’m a mother of 2 beautiful healthy children. It was a big investment for me to be a private client with Saskia twice but for sure worth every cent. My heart is so much fulfilled with joy and passion about being a mom, that I feel it’s the most precious priceless gift being given to me in my life."
I spent over $40,000 on Fertility Treatments
“My husband and I had been trying to conceive for over two years. After being given the diagnosis of unexplained infertility, we spent over $40,000 on fertility treatments, acupuncture, working with a Naturopath, and hypnosis. I started to question whether or not we were meant to be parents. I came across a video Saskia made and immediately requested a phone session. In the few minutes we spoke, she gave me hope. I signed up for her Fertility Program, and imagine my amazement and joy when I discovered I was pregnant after only three sessions with her (and during a very difficult time for me when I certainly wasn’t relaxed). At nearly seven months pregnant, I am forever grateful to Saskia for giving me this wonderful gift."
I am stunned!
I just took a pregnancy test, there are two lines which implicates pregnancy!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wanted to tell you very first. I will go to the doctor and have it confirmed and checked. I am stunned.
I was heading towards IVF...But...
IM PREGNANT! Aaaahhh!!! I cant even believe it! I am the girl who was headed towards IVF soon, you had suggested that I wait until I finish your courses so that's what I was going to do. Because I was going to wait I wasn’t even really paying attention to exactly when I was ovulating, I just let go. And then I was about between 3-5 days late for my period (again I wasn’t sure of the exact day it was supposed to come because i let it go, i just knew it should be around the 1st) so I took a test on the morning of the 3rd and BOOM! It came back positive!!!! (I took 3 tests because I couldn’t believe it! Haha) I’m still so stunned and now SOOOO NERVOUS!
I just listened to the 4th recorded session and I learned that other women are now pregnant too! I think its so neat and very special! I’m also so glad to hear that you’ve shifted you classes, exercises and visualizations to include the pregnant women! Because right now I’m sooo afraid of experiencing another miscarriage.
I am absolutely enjoying your lessons and feel so incredibly blessed that I stumbled upon you when I did! Thank you again for what you’ve already helped me achieve and how you will continue to help me in the future!
I was terrified that I was too old
"My work with Saskia has been heartwarming and deeply trans-formative. At age 41, I can happily say that I am pregnant with my second child. My heart bursts with joy for this pregnancy and for Saskia coming into my life at exactly the right time. After three years of trying to conceive our second child and one failed attempt at IVF, I was led to Saskia’s fertility program. When I started working with Saskia, I was terrified that I was too old and that perhaps I was only meant to have one child. With Saskia’s guidance, I was able to release multiple fears about becoming a mother of two. She helped me evolve as a mother of one to be more confident, calm, and fulfilled and gave me trust I could handle two kids. I am eternally grateful for the opportunity to work with Saskia. She gave me hope, encouragement, reassurance, and facilitated the connection between my mind and body so I became pregnant after years of struggling.”
I am ready in body and mind to start the adventure of motherhood
““I can’t believe it but the truth is that I am pregnant after doing a few session with Saskia. She is able to release blockages which prevent you from becoming pregnant. It was a delight to work with Saskia who is such a warm and inspiring person. Even though I had to work hard during the sessions I felt the progress after each session. I am truly grateful to her that I am ready in my body and mind to start the new adventure of motherhood. I am convinced that Saskia’s gift to connect the body, mind and spirit will fulfill many women’s desire to give birth to a baby. For sure I am one of them."
We tried for 3 and half years!
We’d been trying for our second baby for three and a half years and I was very depressed when I first came across Saskia. We had suffered two miscarriages and had no end of investigations, I was heading for 40 and feeling hopeless. We’d been referred for ivf but my heart wasn’t in it, I just couldn’t see why it would work.
When I first heard Saskia speak I felt a flood of emotion; finally someone understood what was going on for me. I was so convinced that she could help me that it was easy to persuade my husband to abandon ivf for a programme with Saskia.
I totally believed Saskia could help me achieve my dream and just a few weeks into the exercises and visualisations I discovered I was pregnant.
I’m convinced that Saskia played a huge part in getting me pregnant, keeping me pregnant and has now helped me prepare for the birth of my baby daughter. I’m so grateful and would recommend her in a heartbeat.
I am pregnant again!
Hi Saskia, I have a wonderful news. I'm pregnant again! Today I had my first ultrasound at 7 weeks and everything looks great this time. Strong heartbeat and everything!
I would like to say huge thank you for everything you did for me, because without your help I wouldn't be sharing my happy news with you today. Thank you again for everything! I still have ways to go now, but I'm very hopeful that this time is the time!
Peace of Mind...
I'm emailing you with some very exciting news to share. Once I got back from my 8-day trip in the New Mexican desert I found out I'M PREGNANT! Since I've miscarried in the past, I've already had blood work done to check hormone levels. Results came back showing that everything was perfect!!!
I'll officially be 7 weeks this coming Wednesday and my husband and I couldn't be more excited.
I'm so excited to continue this journey with you and feel that the work we've done together has brought so much peace to my mind. I truly believe my improved mental state was a key component in just allowing things to happen.
I look forward to chatting more tomorrow on our check in call, but was too excited not to share now.
Our Biggest Dream Come True
We are pregnant!!! We found out last night! I'm over the moon I'm so excited. Your support was critical, Saskia, thank you so much for believing in me, being flexible to meet my needs, and making time to support me these past two months, especially when you were abroad. We couldn't be happier, it's our biggest dream come true. I'll connect again soon but wanted to let you know right away and thank you for being such an important part of making it happen. This is incredible.
Trust that I could Conceive without IVF.
Saskia supported me in getting pregnant for the second time.
Even though I worked already through blocks and useless belief systems, When I wanted to get pregnant for the second time I had doubts of getting pregnant again. Because this time I could not do IVF. It had to happen naturally.
Saskia has a great talent to address my real issues. She guided me through the last knots I had in my emotional system to feel 100% ready, good, and sure aboutmy second pregnancy.
And, she gave me trust that I could also conceive without IVF, loved Saskia's „guided inner work“. It’s amazing how she could navigate me each session from a negative into an resourceful state. It wasn’t long time after I got pregnant again.
Now I’m a mother of 2 beautiful healthy children. t was a big investment for me to be a private client with Saskia twice but for sure worth every cent.
My heart is so much fulfilled with joy and passion about being a mom, that I feel it’s the most precious priceless gift being given to me in my life