Thank You for Applying for Private Coaching

Here is What You Get:

  • (12)  60-minute Fertility Activation Audio Classes ($5982 Value)
  • Your Own Fertility Workbook to guide you through the Audio Training. ($197 Value)
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    BONUS: (12)  45-minute Q&A Calls with Saskia to help you work through the program
  • BONUS: First 7 Sacred Days with Your Baby
  • BONUSYes to My Baby Workshop

* Q&A Calls are held the 1st 3 Wednesday’s of the Month
* Local Dial In Numbers Available

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    Tools to get out of your stress vibe and into peace, relaxation and fertility mode
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    Tools to reset your negative thinking into happy, positive conception thoughts, so you create a relaxed, warm home and a happy womb to conceive.
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    An ancient method to open your heart and your womb to love, peace, and fertility.
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    Tools to LOCATE the negative experience and beliefs you have and release them.
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    And Much, Much more. . .

I was skeptical but willing to try anything

"I was referred to Saskia by my mother who had come across her work during one of the many courses she takes online. This one is particular was for fertility issues. My dear Mom, like any mother hating to see their child in pain, was doing all the research she could to help find me some answers. 

I was skeptical but willing to try anything so I set up my first session with Saskia. In my very first session with her, she was able to pinpoint a mental block I didn’t even know I had. Growing up I had watched older cousins struggle with infertility having to use in vitro, as well as friends not having any luck. Once my husband and I decided to start TTC I went into it thinking this is going to be really hard, we might need some help, or maybe we won't be able to at all.

Hearing that Saskia knew exactly where to start with me. Saskia helped me relax, clear my head, give me a new mindset and most of all prepare myself and my body for what it so badly wanted to do.

I fell pregnant before our final sessions even came to an end. I am grateful daily for Saskia and how she helped me. It comforts me to know that she is there helping other women with this shared dream to become a Mother, there is truly no greater gift."


I had blocks and old beliefs which prevented me from getting pregnant!

"I started working with Saskia about a year ago as part of her fertility program. Before I met Saskia, I’ve been trying to get pregnant for almost 8 years. I had 3 failed IVF’s and 2 failed IUI’s. Also, I had 2 miscarriages along the way. I changed my whole lifestyle to get pregnant: healthy diet, taking supplements and herbs, acupuncture etc., and still, nothing happened. But after working with Saskia, she found lots of blocks and old beliefs which were preventing me from getting pregnant. After we worked together to remove them and transform my old beliefs to the new ones, I’m happy to report, that I’m pregnant and everything looks great so far. I couldn’t have done it without Saskia’s help. She is an amazing and talented woman to work with and I feel so honored and privileged to had the opportunity to know her. Saskia is the best!"

Our Baby Girl will be Joined Us Earth Side Early February!

"When I found Saskia, I was just coming out of the dense fog of the miscarriage of my first child. My husband and I had started trying to conceive again, but I personally felt there was something intangible blocking that miracle from happening. Investing in one-on-one time with Saskia allowed me to uncover a few key subconscious blocks that were blocking my soul’s creative purpose; motherhood. Saskia’s gentle demeanor and time-tested strategies were exactly what I needed to feel like my fertility was something I could co-create with instead of be controlled by. We were successfully able to conceive only 3 months after starting my sessions with Saskia and now our baby girl will be joined us earth side in early February.”


I was headed for 40 and feeling hopeless

"We’d been trying for our second baby for three and a half years and I was very depressed when I first came across Saskia. We had suffered two miscarriages and had no end of investigations, I was heading for 40 and feeling hopeless.

We’d been referred for ivf but my heart wasn’t in it, I just couldn’t see why it would work. When I first heard Saskia speak I felt a flood of emotion; finally someone understood what was going on for me. I was so convinced that she could help me that it was easy to persuade my husband to abandon ivf for a programme with Saskia.

I totally believed Saskia could help me achieve my dream and just a few weeks into the exercises and visualisations I discovered I was pregnant. I’m convinced that Saskia played a huge part in getting me pregnant, keeping me pregnant and has now helped me prepare for the birth of my baby daughter. I’m so grateful and would recommend her in a heartbeat."


After 7 years of trying, Pregnant at age 45!

"After 7 years of struggle and bring 45.5 I am pregnant!!! My babies and I are doing well I am 9 week and 1 day now.I feel tired alot, having a very good pregnancy so far thanks for asking.getting close to 12 weeks now.Your mediations and exercises are helping me so much be more calm for my twins. Since I started working with you in your program I uncovered my blocks and fears .which allowed me to conceive my two beatiful twins and now your program is helping me through my pregancy."


I specially loved your guided inner journeys!

"I wanted to let you know that our son Joel arrived on December 5th. I’m soo happy and thankful and joyfull. It’s amazing and he is WONDERFUL Thank you for all your wonderful sessions and journey’s on my path to motherhood. It helped clear out all the unserving beliefs. I specially loved your guided inner journeys very much! Thank you Saskia!!!!"

We have been trying to get pregnant for over a year and half

"This was amazing… We have been trying to get pregnant for over a year and a half with no apparent fertility issues. One night laying in bed, not being able to sleep, I thought “why? Why can I not get pregnant? The first time was “easy” ( not planned), so why now? I picked up my phone to scroll FB and saw an ad for your webinar! I immediately knew I needed to listen and I did! I cried because I KNEW this was my problem. Well that was a few weeks ago… I JUST got a positive test!!! Miracle!"


The doctors told me I was too old at 43 and my eggs were not good enough!

“After 8 years of trying to get pregnant and 3 failed IVF’s the doctors told me I was too old at 43 and my eggs were not good enough anymore. And then I met you and you told me there is hope. I hardly believed it. Your deep wisdom, and loving compassion, guided me safely to places of old trauma, which we released. I am pregnant of twins now and can’t believe it. All naturally and I am soooooo happy. You gave us the gift of our life”
~Felicia S

I got pregnant within a week!

"I am so blessed to have found Saskia! Just at the right moment, with one spot left, I was able to join the workshop and was successfully pregnant in a week!! What an amazing Christmas present! Saskia is so gifted and talented! she allowed a positive space to take place in my womb and I will be forever grateful!"

~Annabelle O

I gave birth to twins!

“ I am so very grateful. I cannot say enough good things about Saskia. She helped me identify and remove specific blocks with a variety of exercises, some of these blocks I thought I had dealt with, but obviously still affected me.

She helped prepare my mind and body for my IVF treatment. When I went in to the surgery room for my egg retrieval, I could hear Saskia’s voice in my head, and it was like she was there with me, holding my hand, and it helped me feel more relaxed, significantly more than I would have without her help.

My first cycle didn’t work, and I felt devastated. However, being able to speak to Saskia was a lifesaver. I felt lucky and grateful for the extra support and care from her. She helped me refocus on the process of getting pregnant and realigned my mind and body. I gave birth to twins!"
~C.Z. [London]

After 2 miscarriages and 3 years of monthly trying I never thought I be a mother

"After 2 miscarriages and 3 years of monthly trying I never thought I be a mother. I tried everything and was obsessed and could think of nothing else anymore. My life was totally on hold. You changed my mind and my thinking . You got me out of the hamster wheel of negativity. Your fertility program was a breath of fresh air. It changed my relationship with my body, my baby, my mind, my soul, and my husband. Our daughter Bella was born on due day! I am forever grateful and recommend you to all women who want a baby.”


I released the worry and conceived my son

“I will never forget my session with Saskia to help with conceiving a third child. During the session, Saskia helped me to release the worry I carried. With the energy that was released, there came room for our beautiful son. I became pregnant very soon after the session with Saskia. Thank you for showing me the blocks in my subconscious mind that needed to be let go of in order to conceive.”
~Rens Plandsoen-Vetter, Holland

I released my fears and opened my heart for my second child

""When I first met Saskia, I had been trying to conceive my second child for three years. After talking with Saskia briefly, I felt this overwhelming sense that I was in the right place. I felt I had many energy and mental blocks within that were getting in the way with my fertility and that Saskia could really help clear my body as well as my mind. I was right!! I met with Saskia on three separate occasions. And a few days after the third session, I conceived my beautiful son. Thank you, Saskia, for helping me to release my fears and open my heart to allow room for the conception of my second child.”

~ KRT, Massachusetts

I had mental and psychological blocks

~Cheryl, UK

I thought becoming a mother was not in the cards for me

"After 6 years of trying to get pregnant I thought becoming a mother was not in the cards for me. I had tried everything and wanted to give up. Then I met Saskia who opened me up to the love of motherhood. She guided me to the womb which was dark and closed. The sessions released deep seated fears about motherhood. I became pregnant within two months after 6 years of waiting! My daughter is the joy of my life. Thank you for believing in me."

~Isabella Di Marco, Mexico

Released my blocks that caused infertility

~Christine, Massachusetts

Our biggest dream come true

"We’re pregnant :) :) :) We found out last night! I’m over the moon I’m so excited. Your support was critical, Saskia, thank you so much for believing in me, being flexible to meet my needs, and making time to support me these past two months, especially when you were abroad. We couldn’t be happier, it’s our biggest dream come true. I’ll connect again soon but wanted to let you know right away and thank you for being such an important part of making it happen. This is incredible."


I had experienced trauma that was still locked in my body

~Marcia M, Germany

Our biggest dream come true

"We’re pregnant :) :) :) We found out last night! I’m over the moon I’m so excited. Your support was critical, Saskia, thank you so much for believing in me, being flexible to meet my needs, and making time to support me these past two months, especially when you were abroad. We couldn’t be happier, it’s our biggest dream come true. I’ll connect again soon but wanted to let you know right away and thank you for being such an important part of making it happen. This is incredible."


I loved Saskia's guided inner work

~H [Switzerland]

I spent over $30,000 on Fertility Treatments

“My husband and I had been trying to conceive for over two years. After being given the diagnosis of unexplained infertility, we spent over $30,000 on fertility treatments, acupuncture, working with a Naturopath, and hypnosis. I started to question whether or not we were meant to be parents. I came across a video Saskia made and immediately requested a phone session. In the few minutes we spoke, she gave me hope. I signed up for her Fertility Program, and imagine my amazement and joy when I discovered I was pregnant after only three sessions with her (and during a very difficult time for me when I certainly wasn’t relaxed). At nearly seven months pregnant, I am forever grateful to Saskia for giving me this wonderful gift."

~Suzzanna H

I was terrified that I was too old


I am ready in body and mind to start the adventure of motherhood

““I can’t believe it but the truth is that I am pregnant after doing a few session with Saskia. She is able to release blockages which prevent you from becoming pregnant. It was a delight to work with Saskia who is such a warm and inspiring person. Even though I had to work hard during the sessions I felt the progress after each session. I am truly grateful to her that I am ready in my body and mind to start the new adventure of motherhood. I am convinced that Saskia’s gift to connect the body, mind and spirit will fulfill many women’s desire to give birth to a baby. For sure I am one of them."

