Thank You for Taking the Quiz!
Your Results:
You try to be positive but it’s getting harder.
You don’t understand why you can’t conceive.
You try to be positive but it’s getting harder. You think why is it so easy for other women and not for me? You feel your life is on hold. You have been trying so many different things and nothing has worked so far. The doctors can’t explain why you can’t get pregnant.
You worry a lot and you can’t get out of your obsessive thoughts, such as: What if I am too old? What if I miscarry again? What if motherhood isn’t in the cards for me?
One day you feel hopeful but the next you feel hopeless. You cannot look at pregnant women without feeling jealous. Despite this, you feel connected to your baby in a way you can’t explain. You have experienced emotional trauma, but you haven’t explored how it can block your conception.