Here's what I have found...

What you have learned in the Get Pregnant Now Foundation program is essential, and you have built a strong foundation, but you may feel a need to go even deeper.

In the Foundation program we focus on getting your body and mind ready and in full alignment to get pregnant.

But…some women (and babies) need more support at this point....

Here are the most common question that women still have:

  1. 1
    Why is it taking so long? Is my baby hesitating to come to me? Sometimes baby souls have anxieties or fears of their own. They need your reassurance.
  2. 2
    Do I trust my womb 100%? If you are pregnant or getting pregnant, you want a consistent, rock-steady trust in your womb. You need to know that you can carry your baby full-term. Do you have full trust?
  3. 3
    What if I lose my trust again? What if I sink into anxiety? How do I get out when I spiral down?
  4. 4
    Will I parent like my mom? How can I find my own unique parenting style?
  5. 5
    Will my baby take over my life? Will I be as sharp and focused in my work as before? What about “Me” time?
  6. 6
    Can I manage the birthing process? Will I have a healthy baby
  1. 6
    Will my baby take over my life? Will I be as sharp and focused in my work as before? What about “Me” time?
  2. 7
    What if I’m not a good mom? Can my baby feel this worry?
  3. 8
    My husband is getting impatient. What if he wants to give up? What can I do?
  4. 9
    I don’t want to pass on my fears to my child. How do I clear the psychogenetic beliefs and fears I’ve inherited from my family?
  5. 10
    Are money fears keeping me from conception? Can money be an unconscious safety issue? How can I make my “money relationship” 100% safe for my baby?
  6. 11
    Have I overlooked anything? Is there a missing piece of my fertility puzzle?

Because of these of these fears the demand for a deeper approach is needed, that is why I have created  this advanced program that I’ve only offered to my private clients until now.  I teach you the deeper exercises I have only done with private clients up until now.

Sometimes there is a missing piece. Because it isn’t about you but it’s about your baby. Your baby may need to talk with you and wants to make sure you are the mom he/she wants. Or there are fears about motherhood or deeper healing needs to take place in another area.  

In short: If you don’t look at these issues they can be in the way of conception and carrying your baby full term. You want to find the missing piece of the puzzle. 

This is a program I could not have offered you four months ago.

You now have the foundation to do this profound, deep level of work.

For the first time, I am offering you the sessions and tools that I offer only to my private clients.

This is the highest, most advanced level of group fertility coaching on the planet, apart from private coaching.  
It is only available in this advanced program.

Only $1797

For a Limited Time $1200

The program starts October 6, 2024


 PRIVATE SESSION: Calling in My Baby Ceremony

This PRIVATE Sacred session is for you and your baby ONLY. 

You will never get this chance unless you become a private client. This bonus is not for the fainthearted because it is so powerful. 

  • This sacred ceremony creates a deep connection to nurture  and strengthen the bond between the baby, the mother, and father to celebrate and bless the baby’s arrival on earth. 

    It’s a coming together of the souls to weave one chapter to the next. 

  • The ceremony fills your cup so it overflows with love and confidence to become pregnant.
  • This session is about age-old rituals used in the past to honor and support a woman's physical, emotional and spiritual growth to call her baby in and empower her to get pregnant. 

$697 VALUE INCLUDED In the Advanced Program!

Twhat We Address in the 12 Modules of
the AdvanceD Get Pregnant Now Program

The 12 modules of the advanced program address the missing pieces of the most common fears that can still be blocking your conception.  If you don’t look at these issues they can be in the way of  getting pregnant and carrying your baby full term. You want to find the missing piece of the puzzle. 

Module #1

Trust Your Womb 100%.

Your baby needs a warm, cozy place to grow.  Do you trust your womb 100%?  (Because 80% is not enough.) 

Benefit: Find out what’s standing in the way of making your womb into a sacred temple where you baby can grow.

Module #2

Advanced Baby Soul Healing Class

This module is exclusively for your baby. Discover how to let your baby talk to you. Your baby might be hesitating, or anxious. 

Benefit: Discover what your baby needs to come home to you.

Module #3

Inner Child Alignment

Healing your inner child wound is one of the most important things you can do before you become a mom. You never want to pass on your wounds to your child. Discover how to comfort and care for your little inner girl, while you become a good mom.

Benefit: Learn what your inner child needs from you to be a good mom

Module #4

Advanced Motherhood Healing 1

How did you mom role-model motherhood for you? How do you want your kids to describe you as a mom?  It is a given that we mother like our mothers, unless and until we wake up.

Benefit: Dive into what kind of mother you want to become.

Module #5

Advanced Motherhood Healing 2

Your baby wants you for a mom.  Not your mother.  What have you inherited from your mom?

Benefit: Clear the psychogenetic imprints from your mom and grandmother so you don’t pass down the negative beliefs and behaviors you've inherited from the generational line.

Module #6

Money Freedom

What does money have to with motherhood? Everything.  Money can be a huge unconscious safety issue, if your relationship to money is not healed. Become aware of money blocks you may not even know you carry. Heal your money issues now, do you don’t pass your money fears to your kids.

This module also helps you activate your abundance, because your womb is the creative center of your being.

Benefit: Become aware and release money blocks you may not even know you carry.

Module #7

Balance Motherhood &
Career Part 1

Will your baby take over your life?  How will you handle your baby and your marriage?  Your career? Your personal life?  Enter the Family Success System. You cannot find this information anywhere else. 

Being a mom can be easy. No matter what you’ve been told.

Discover a time-tested, mother-tested method that will give you all the time you need: Time for your baby, yourself, your partner, your work and your life.  

Benefit: Find out how to be a happy mom without sacrificing your partnership, your work or your me-time. 

Module #8

Balance Motherhood &
Career Part 2 

Discover plenty of me-time, partner-time, work-time and play-time Join me as we discover the final three steps of the Family Success System. This is the easy away to get your life back. You don’t have to figure this out alone. No one else has your life.  No one has your relationships, your baby, your schedule, or your soul’s journey. Discover the system that has worked for hundreds of happy moms and moms-to-be.

Benefit: Discover plenty of me-time, partner-time, work-time and play-time

Module #9


Everyone’s favorite class!  Play with proven manifestation tools.  The sky‘s the limit!  Women have manifested a nanny, a house, babysitters, more clients, a new job, less hours on the job, a sign from your baby, and more

Benefit:  What’s your desire?  Put your manifestation hat on and join us.

Module #10

Visualize yourself from Conception to Birth

The deep wisdom in your body already knows to how to how to carry and birth your baby.  In this class, we bring that wisdom back. Discover how to embody your pregnancy journey from from first to third trimester to being a mom. 

Benefit: Mastering embodiment is one of the most important parts of your fertility journey.

Module #11

Put the Magic Back into Your Relationship Right Now 

During the pregnancy journey, stress enters your relationship. It’s a mistake to wait for passion until you’re pregnant or the baby’s born.  Discover fun tools to bring back the connection with your husband. What attracted your partner to you in the first place? What attracted you to him?  

Benefit: Create the magic in your relationship right now.

Module #12

Super Quick & Easy Daily Tools to Stay Positive

6 tools to implement daily to keeping your positive vibe. This is more important for you and your baby than you may think. Keep those positive pregnancy vibes coming! 

Benefit: Discover down-to-earth tools that can snap you out of a negative mood in two minutes or less

Plus You are Going to get......

Weekly Access to Saskia to ask her questions on the weekly Q&A Calls!

What’s the benefit of having weekly access to Saskia?

  • To stay 100% open to your fertility. To stay positive and expectant. To be cheered on.
  • You will get consistent, unfailing support at the highest level. 
  • You don’t want to fall off the bandwagon. You need to stay strong, positive, and expectant. 
  • Your body needs to remain open, and fertile. The closer you are to embodying your fertility, the closer you are to getting pregnant.
  • You will learn from Saskia’s insights and from every woman on these Q&A calls.
  • If you are newly pregnant, get the support to stay pregnant, and instantly banish any fears that might pop up about your pregnancy.
  • If you are still getting pregnant, you have constant support to be cheered on, to keep the faith, and leave no stone unturned.
  • You can drop any lingering fears or doubts about getting pregnant and staying pregnant.

Ready to Get Started?

Only $1797

For a Limited Time $1200

The program starts October 6,2024

HERE’S WHAT YOU Will Receive

  • 12 Advanced Modules to help and support you through your pregnancy journey.
  • 12 Live Q&A  Calls with Saskia where you will have access to ask your questions so you feel fully supported. * Recordings will be available
  • Saskia guides through 131 deep probing exercises.
  • Personal Journal  with questions. (84 Pages/ Printable)


 PRIVATE SESSION: Calling in My Baby Ceremony

This Private sacred session is for you and your baby ONLY. 

You will never get this chance unless you become a private client. This bonus is not for the fainthearted because it is so powerful. 

  • This sacred ceremony creates a deep connection to nurture  and strengthen the bond between the baby, the mother, and father to celebrate and bless the baby’s arrival on earth. 

    It’s a coming together of the souls to weave one chapter to the next. 

  • The ceremony fills your cup so it overflows with love and confidence to become pregnant.
  • This session is about age-old rituals used in the past to honor and support a woman's physical, emotional and spiritual growth to call her baby in and empower her to get pregnant. 

$697 VALUE INCLUDED In the Advanced Program!


Pregnancy Breakthrough Method To Release Your Blocks

Click Play to Listen to the Audio Where I explain the Workshop

  • Personalized attention & intuitive guidance from Saskia (become aware of your specific hidden blind spots you can't see)
  • You will get the tools & awareness and exercises you need to stay CONSISTENTLY in the Open to Conceive Energy, so your baby feels safe. Lack of consistency is what causes mixed results.
  • Clearing Your Hidden Blocks Ceremony
  • Create your Fertility Crystal (or Rock) to activate your fertility energy on a daily basis ( including a special meditation to go along with it). 

$797 VALUE INCLUDED In the Advanced Program!


Why would I do this program after I’ve done the 4-month Get Pregnant Now Foundation Program?

This is a program I could not have offered you four months ago.

You now have the foundation to do this profound, deep level of work.

Here's what I have found at this point:
What you have learned in the foundation program is essential, and you have built a strong foundation, but you may feel a need to
go even deeper.

In the Foundation program we focus on getting your body and mind ready and in full alignment to get pregnant.
But some women ( and babies) need more support at this point.

For the first time, I am offering you the sessions and tools that I offer to my private clients.

Who is this program for?

If you are still trying to get pregnant, you can now explore and clear any remaining blocks to your baby.

Or if you are newly pregnant, you will have the best support and the tools to transition into your life as a happy, fulfilled mom.

What is the benefit of staying connected to Saskia and the group?

To stay 100% open to your fertility. To stay positive and expectant. To be cheered on.  To be so strong in your beliefs that no “Aren’t you pregnant yet?” remark can take you down. To know that you’re baby’s coming, and to live that way every day.

To get consistent, unfailing support at the highest level.  

You don’t want to fall off the bandwagon.  You need to stay strong, to stay positive, and to stay expectant. 

Your body needs to remain open, and fertile.  The closer you are to embodying your fertility, the closer you are to getting pregnant.

You will learn from Saskia’s insights and from all the women on the Q&A these calls.

If you are newly pregnant, you can get the support to stay pregnant, and immediately banish any fears that might pop up about your pregnancy.

If you are still trying to get pregnant, you have continuous support to be cheered on, to keep the faith, and use these powerful classes to leave no stone unturned.  You can drop any lingering fears or doubts about getting pregnant and staying pregnant.

Why would I go deeper if so far nothing has worked?

If I may say this, you don’t know that nothing has worked.  You have spent almost four months building a strong foundation to get pregnant.  But, maybe it’s about the baby.  Or maybe you have a blind spot.  That’s what these advanced classes are all about.  If there is something that’s been hiding from you, the advanced program can find it. You must find the missing piece.

Is there an overlap with the content of Get Pregnant Now?

No.  You are building on the foundation of Get Pregnant Now. 

This advanced program enters the territory I cover ONLY with private clients who invest a significant amount of money to get this level of coaching. The advanced program goes deeper and brings answers to questions you may not even know you have. 

Would the advanced program benefit me if I am already pregnant?

If you just got a positive pregnancy test, or if you are newly pregnant.  You will receive great benefits form this program.  This is a fantastic prep for the rest of your pregnancy.  Many women who get pregnant after trying so hard, and after the initial joy, they start to freak out if they can stay pregnant and not miscarry. They also have other fears like: Will your baby take over your life?  You’ll learn how to handle your baby, your marriage, your career, and your personal life. In the modules you will discover the Family Success System. You cannot find this information anywhere else. You will learn a time-tested, mother-tested method that will give you all the time you need:  Time for your baby, yourself, your partner, your work and your life.  Find out how to be a happy mom without sacrificing your partnership, your work or your me-time.  

What do you mean by Advanced Motherhood Healing? Why do I need that?

It is a given that we mother like our mothers, unless and until we wake up. Your baby wants you for a mom.  Not your mother.  What have you inherited from your mom? Clear any psychogenetic imprints from your mom and grandmother so you don’t pass down any negative beliefs or behaviors you've inherited from your family line.  What kind of mom do you want to be?

What does money healing have to do with getting pregnant?

Everything. Money can be a huge unconscious safety issue, if your relationship to money is not healed. Become aware of money blocks you may not even know you carry. Heal your money issues now, so you don’t pass your money fears to your kids.   Also, discover our Manifestation Class! Women have manifested a nanny, a house, babysitters, more clients, a new job, less hours on the job, a sign from your baby, and more.  What’s your desire?  Put your manifestation hat on and join us.

Why is there a class about relationships?

Relationships are under alot of stress during the fertility journey.  Husbands and partners become impatient and become ready are to give up.  Saskia will give you tools and strategies to keep your relationship healthy and fun.


Why is there a class about career and motherhood?

Over the last 20+ years I have found one of the most commons fear blocking pregnancy is anxiety and stress & how to balance your career and motherhood.  I will show you how can have it all, and still have plenty of time for yourself.


How do I know I’m close to getting pregnant?

When you are able to take all the “what if’s” out of your statements.  And claim your new beliefs without any fear.  You believe 100% in your body and your fertility.  

Also – when you can embody the nine months of pregnancy, you are close to getting pregnant.  

This is what the Advanced Program offers. The deep wisdom in your body already knows to how to how to carry and birth your baby. In this module we bring that wisdom back. Discover how to embody your pregnancy journey from 3 months to 6 months to 9 months to being a mom. Mastering embodiment is one of the most important parts of your fertility journey.

When are the classes delivered?

This program works in the same format as the Get Pregnant Now foundation program.

  • You will receive audio recorded class on Sunday morning. 
  •  Live Q&A classes are held  on Wednesday @ 10am EST *all classes are recorded


Is there a discount?

Yes there is a discount. The program is $1797 because you participated in the Get Pregnant Now Foundation program I am currently offering you this program at $1200. or on a payment plan of 4 payments of $397


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