You are invited to be an expert
Get Pregnant Now
Virtual Summit with Saskia Roell
2-Day Summit Airs: January 18-19 2025
Promotion Dates: December 27, 2024- January 17, 2025
Virtual Conference Format
We have found 15-minute laser interviews draw people in and even the busiest woman listens to all of the interviews. Our experience has also shown us that the shorter events have a higher show-up ratio than events that are drawn out over a few weeks.
- This event will held over 2Days
- The format will be 15-min audio only interviews. (no worry about your hair ;-)
- All Interviews are Pre-recorded, to prevent technical difficulties and scheduling difficulties.
What is in it for you?
You will get worldwide exposure...7.4 million women, or 11.9% of women have received infertility services in their lifetime and approximately 25% of them suffer from unexplained infertility. That means there are literally millions of women needing our help and expertise. Our events on average draw in around 5000 women worldwide.
Exposure over thousands of potential clients (our goal is to reach over 100,000 women)
Visibility and Connection to new audiences
Credibility about your expertise
Be Able To HELP Women and MAKE AN IMPACT that are experiencing Infertility
Build Your Email List significantly By Offering a FREE Optin Gift
You will be able to offer a FREE gift on the interview so that this event will help GROW your email list! NOTE The Gift must be a FREE Offer...No consultations.
What is Required From You?
- 15 minute pre-recorded laser interview based your expertise along with your best tips to optimize fertility health.
- *One solo email between DURING THE FIRST 2 WEEKS OF PROMO
- *One solo email the day before your interview
- Minimum of 2 social media post on your Timeline
If you have any other questions simply email and we can setup a phone call to answer any questions!
*If you do not have an email list let us know we will be open to discussion for other promotional options as long as it is fair to all participants in the summit.
Who am I?

I am Saskia Röell my mission is to help every woman who longs to be a mother to hold a baby in her arms.
My clients are from all walks of life from Oprah Winfrey's staff members to stay at home moms.
I have hosted over 25 online events since I started my business online I have learned what works and what doesn't. I have conducted hundreds of interviews with fertility experts around the world to give hope & support to women trying to get pregnant.
I have been a featured expert at many events and have also been interviewed by NBC, Hers Magazine, Healthy Living, U.S. News, and Fox News Channel.
I have extensively studied how unhealed emotional trauma affects a woman's ability to conceive and birth her baby. I holds certificates in Naturopathy, Transformational Healing, Advanced Hypnotherapy, Somatic Healing, Birthing, and Fertility Therapy.

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