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The Results of Healing Your Blocks Speak for Themselves..

Introducing my 4 Month Body-Mind Program to Heal Your Blocks

4 Month Program $1997

SAVE $300

Only $1697

Starts October 6th 2024

*Note if you have a gift certificate you can enter it on the checkout page

Still, Have Questions if the program will work for you? Let's Talk!

How Long have you been struggling to Get Pregnant?

One Year? Two Years? Five Years or More?

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Listen to Saskia's Message of Hope..


You’re Just Starting Out

 You’ve been trying to conceive for a while, you haven’t been to the doctor yet… but why is it taking so long? You look at your girlfriends, who get pregnant without even trying, and you wonder --- is there something wrong with me?

You’ve Tried Everything

IVF, IUI, acupuncture, healthy diet, affirmations, yoga, supplements, and so much more. You’ve been to several doctors. Maybe you’ve heard the words that make your blood freeze: “You have unexplained infertility,” In other words, the doctors don’t know why you can’t get pregnant..

You have Secondary Infertility

 You had your first child. You conceived easily. But now you want a second or third baby, and you just can’t make it happen. You wonder: “what’s wrong with me?

Maybe The Doctor's Have Told You....

  • "Your eggs are too old.
  • “You only have a 5% chance to conceive.”
  • “You have ‘unexplained infertility’.”
  • “Your only option is a donor egg.”
  • “Your AMH is too low.”
  • Your FSH is too high.”
  • “You are too old.”

Maybe right now…

You’re in the best shape ever, physically and mentally. So what’s wrong?

Your fertility journey is an emotional rollercoaster with stress and anxiety

You secretly worry that you can't balance being a mom and your career

You may have had multiple failed IUI and IVF's

You may have had one or more miscarriages, or experienced the loss of a child.

You may have experienced childhood trauma or adoption

You may have had an abortion. You’ve dealt with it.  But is there subconscious grief?

Your relationship with your partner is stressful. Your husband may want to quit trying

Despite all of this you feel your baby’s soul sitting on your shoulder...
 and you don’t want to give up.

The root cause of Unexplained Infertility is...

The Good News is: 
Unexplained infertility is explainable.

The Better News is: 
The doctors say that “80% of women who have unexplained infertility should be able to get pregnant.”

The Best News is:
Because there is a reason for unexplained infertility you can get help to resolve it. 

In over 20 years of working with women in their 30s and 40s who struggle to get pregnant, the same root cause of unexplained infertility shows up every time.

Fear contracts your body and blocks you from conceiving. 

Here is the real twist

Did you know that unresolved emotional trauma is stored as fear in your body? The problem is that your fear ( conscious or unconscious) changes the neurochemistry in your body. If there is fear buried in your mind and or body, it can, and often does, prevent you from conceiving.

Fears could vary from woman to woman; worries of not having a healthy baby, to worrying about balancing motherhood and career to passing on genetic traits.

It doesn’t matter what the fear is; it is all FEAR!

Your body is wise., your body prepares itself for fight, flight, or freeze. Not for conception or birth. She will not conceive when you are in fear, regardless if you are aware of it or not.

Does the Get Pregnant Now Program really work?  

Don't take just my word for it. Listen to these mom's results!

You're Not Alone

There are thousands of women just like you, all around the world, that come to me wanting to get pregnant. Just like you, they have almost given up all hope.

Once you learn about the crucial body/mind connection in fertility, you may be surprised that your doctor never shared this information with you.

You can’t blame your doctor, because they don’t know these facts. My dad was a doctor, all my uncles and aunts were doctors. I love doctors! Today, 99% of doctors have not been educated about the new science around the body/mind connection with fertility.



Doctors THoughts on Body-Mind Work To Get Pregnant

Where is the Proof?

Did you know that several studies have indicated that excessive focus on the goal of having a baby may result in premature maturation of the eggs in the ovary and subsequent release of eggs that are not ready for fertilization?

Scientific studies show that when you do a Body/Mind Fertility Program, you more than double your chances of getting pregnant.  Your chances go from 10-20% to 42-55%.

And body/mind programs work for natural conception, or coupled with IVF treatments

Here is just one of hundreds studies on the power of body/mind programs:

In a large federally funded study, 55% of previously infertile women who met regularly in a Mind Body Infertility program conceived within 6 months after the program, compared to only 20% in a control group that used no mind body techniques.

“We have been collecting data for 20 years on the women who attend the mind/body program and the results are consistent. About half the patients get pregnant within six months, and about 95% become moms somehow within two years” 

~Dr. Domar, the Executive Director of the Domar Center for Mind/Body Health is a pioneer in the application of mind/body medicine to infertility care.

Does the Get Pregnant Now Program really work?  

Don't take just my word for it. Listen to these mom's results!

Before You Give Up...

Let me guide you through a fertility path you have not tried.

Based on 20+ years experience and working with women from all over the world, I have seen many women who thought they tried everything to become mothers.

These women did not have more luck or were not any smarter, or had better karma. These women found the root cause that blocked their pregnancy. 

Regardless of their age…

No matter how long they tried.

I am going to share with you the secrets that have helped my clients to get pregnant.

These are the secrets that the doctors don’t tell you (because they don’t know.) Fortunately they’re not hard to understand.

The AWESOME NEWS is they work!

After 2 years of working with a fertility doctors, Amy was told IVF was her only option. But, Amy didn't want IVF.

She searched for alternative methods. That is when she found Saskia's Get Pregnant Now Program: specialized Body & Mind Fertility Method.

This program is for you if...

If you have tried to conceive and it has not worked yet because of....

Unexplained Infertility

Lost hope & Negative Thinking

PCOS or Endometriosis

Failed IVF or IUI

Relationship stress

Secondary infertility

Multiple miscarriage or pregnancy Loss

Fear of balancing motherhood & career

Irregular cycles

Poor Egg Quality

4 Month Program $1997

 SAVE $300 

Only $1697

*Note if you have a gift certificate you can enter it on the checkout page

Still, Have Questions if the program will work for you? Let's Talk!

Does the Get Pregnant Now Program really work?  

Don't take just my word for it. Listen to these mom's results!

How does this program help you get pregnant?

If you think you have tried everything from changing your diet, taking supplements, doing acupuncture, fertility massages, ovulation kits, yoga, affirmations and nothing has worked so far.

You need to look deeper and find the root cause of what is blocking your conception. You may have been diagnosed with unexplained fertility. But unexplained infertility can be good news.  

Unexplained infertility has its roots in emotional trauma and subconscious fear. If you have a fear or an emotional block, a medical procedure will not work. IVF cannot bypass emotional trauma. So many of my clients get pregnant, because the root cause of their infertility is emotional, not physical. Once we release the emotional block, they get pregnant.

Fear affects the neurochemistry in your brain. Your emotional body is seamlessly connected to your physical body. That is why you need to look into the body & mind connection! It’s the missing link. 

That is why so many of my clients get pregnant because unexplained infertility is explainable. It can be resolved. 

This 4 Month program works beautifully alongside other things you may be doing ( such as IVF or acupuncture or dietary changes or hormone therapy). Why? Because  this program addresses the blocks on a deep emotional level, oftentimes this is what is overlooked in unexplained infertility.

Don't wait too long because these baby Soul's want to come NOW and not later.

  • (12)  60-minute Pre-Recorded Fertility Audio Classes (You can listen to as many times as you want) These will stay in your Library FOREVER!
  • Your Own Fertility Workbook to guide you through the Audio Classes & to Monitor Your Progress
  • (12)   Live Q&A Calls with Saskia where you will have access to ask your questions so you feel fully supported.  During this call you will learn from other women along with Saskia's insights. * Recordings of each class will be available after . 
  • Weekly Check-In Saskia and her team will keep a eye on your progress with weekly check-in forms this will also keep you accountable to the program.

* Q&A Calls are held the 1st 3 Wednesday’s of the Month
* Local Dial In Numbers Available

This program stands out from any other program because
when you are pregnant you will get support to help you stay pregnant. 

You will receive: The Stick To Me Baby Program 

4 Month Program $1997

SAVE $400

Only $1697

Still, Have Questions if the program will work for you? Let's Talk!

Exercise to determine if this program is for you...

Ask yourself if you are in indecision:

"Should I do the Get Pregnant Now Program?"  I bet deep down you know it, but let's get clarity.

Here’s how to stay with your heart.  
Close your eyes right now and imagine yourself a year from now. 

You’re holding your baby.  What does it feel like?  What is that wonderful new baby smell that you inhale when lean in to kiss your baby? Imagine kissing your baby on the forehead. What feelings go through your body?

How has becoming a mom deepened your relationship with your husband? Are you are two very happy to be a mom and dad? Do you feel complete?

Imagine your baby could speak to you. 

What would she/he say?  Mom, I’m so happy to be here. I’ve been waiting for you for so long.  Thank you for becoming my mom.

In case you think this is fantasy your children choose you as a mom before I had kids I thought that too.

One of my sons when he was six years old he would pop his head around the door every night and say “I just want to thank you for becoming my mom.” So sweet…

So if the visualization of your baby doesn’t resonate with you, the program is not for you.  And there’s nothing wrong with that, and there’s nothing wrong with you. 

So if you know this program IS for you, and your heart and your baby are telling you YES: 
I invite you to join the 4-month Get Pregnant Now Foundation Program ...

4 Month Program $1997

SAVE $300

Only $1697

*Note if you have a gift certificate you can enter it on the checkout page

Still, Have Questions if the program will work for you? Let's Talk!

In The Get Pregnant Now Program you will learn:

  • The 5 steps to pregnancy you MUST take. 
  • Find and remove your subconscious blocks, so you are open to conceiving.
  • Get back in the happy fertile state you were in before this all began.
  • Stop the emotional rollercoaster, so you don’t feel hopeless.
  • Daily tools to reset your negative thinking
  • Get connected to your womb and make it a happy, safe place for your baby.
  • Embody your innate fertile energy, and remove self-doubt.
  • Learn to love yourself and your body
  • Learn the tools to stay pregnant, and let go of any doubts and fears. 
  • How to give birth in half an hour, not 20 hours of labor.
  • Communicate with your baby.
  • Strengthen the deep love with your partner.
  • And so much more…

Plus You Are Going to Get These Bonuses...

  • BONUS: Saskia's Fertility Secrets: Activate your Fertility Goddess with these steps and the audio meditation that goes with it.
  • BONUS: 21 Secrets to Give Joyful Birth: These 21 birthing secrets have only been available to my private Joy of Birthing clients you won’t learn anywhere else.
  • BONUS: The First 7- Sacred Days: How to manage the first 7-sacred days with your baby.
  • BONUS: 29 Tools for a Happy Family and a Happy Marriage: Including 11 keys to unlock your Soul’s Calling. Raise a happy connected family and still have a passionate relationship with your partner.
  • BONUS: The New Code of Motherhood: My #1 Best Selling Book

4 Month Program $1997

SAVE $300

Only $1697

*Note if you have a gift certificate you can enter it on the checkout page

Still, Have Questions if the program will work for you? Let's Talk!

What does this program teach?

The 4 month group program teaches Body/Mind Techniques help increase your fertility. The program is ideal for women struggling with fertility issues to release past trauma and stress to reduce their fears, so they become emotionally ready to conceive their babies. 

Unexplained Fertility can be explainable. In most cases there are underlying emotional reasons that need to be resolved. With Saskia's Step by Step Get Pregnant Method she helps women across the world to Get Pregnant, Stay Pregnant and Deliver a Healthy baby.

Body & Mind Programs Increase IVF Effectiveness

A new study published in Fertility and Sterility, a publication of the American Society of Reproductive Medicine, shows that women who participate in a mind/body program while undergoing IVF treatment have a significantly higher pregnancy rate than those who do not (52% versus 20%).

 Pregnant after 16 Failed IVF Treatments.

How fast will I get pregnant?

That is not something I can answer for you personally. Every woman is different, and every situation is different. But what I can tell you is that my clients who do the homework and show up for all classes move faster than those who don't. Some get pregnant right away; others get pregnant six months after the program.

After the first class, you will already start to feel better because you will have some of the tools you need to reset your mind & body into a positive state instead of getting stuck into negative self-talk that effects your body.

During the program, you get your unique chance to get in the best fertile shape. This will improve your results with IVF, and your relationships.

You will be ready to welcome your new baby into the world by the end of the program..

Ready to Get Started?

4 Month Program $1997

SAVE $300

Only $1697

*Note if you have a gift certificate you can enter it on the checkout page

Starts October 6th 2024

Still, Have Questions if the program will work for you? Let's Talk!

Your Baby is Waiting for You...

As a mother of five children, I know there is nothing greater than becoming a mom, and if you feel that’s part of your purpose, I bet you feel that little Soul is sitting on your shoulder.

And therefore that longing does not go away.  
In 10 years from now, that longing is still there.  

But you may be out there, thinking about the Program, maybe you are agonizing, maybe wanting to hold off or maybe thinking my doctor just told me to take a break from trying. 

Or you just can’t decide. And indecision sucks.
It contracts your body.  It’s a horrible state to be in.

The indecision you’ve got right now maybe the same indecision you secretly have about making the commitment to become a mom, and you don’t even know it. 

This is part of the unconscious blocks that block you from getting or staying pregnant.

I’ll show you how to decide – yes or no, it doesn't matter. What matters is that you decide. 

By now you should know 3 things ...

  1. 1
    Unexplained Infertility is explainable. If you have a subconscious belief or block, it can get in the way of getting pregnant. IVF cannot bypass this. Waiting longer and trying harder doesn’t solve the problem..
  2. 2
    You can remove these subconscious beliefs, and blocks and a lot of you get pregnant when these blocks are removed. Even if you’ve tried for 9 years, and yes, some of my moms have been trying for that long.
  3. 3
    I’ve been helping women with unexplained infertility for the last 20 years. And 7 out of 10 have become mothers. Women who struggled and almost gave up hope and tried everything.

4 Month Program $1997

 SAVE $300

Only $1697

*Note if you have a gift certificate you can enter it on the checkout page

Still, Have Questions if the program will work for you? Let's Talk!

The Results of Healing Your Blocks Speak for Themselves..

We are celebrating the birth of....

Our Beautiful Baby Gallery

Why Should You Listen to Me?


World-renowned Specialized Mind-Body Fertility Coach, Soul Purpose Coach and Bestselling Author of The Naked Truth of Unexplained Infertility

As a Mother of 4 sons and 1 daughter ( plus 3 dogs and 4 cats) my mission is to help every woman who longs to be a mother to hold a baby in her arms.

For over 20 years I’ve helped women from all over the world to get pregnant who have suffered from unexplained infertility, miscarriage, and or emotional trauma.

My clients come from diverse backgrounds, ranging from A-list celebrities to the neighbor next door; they all are extraordinary individuals who have the same desire to be a mother.

I found my passion for empowering others while teaching at the Rijksuniversiteit of Groningen, in The Netherlands, as a member of the Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences in the Department of Experimental Psychology. 

I have extensively studied the conscious mind and the subconscious mind, and how our unhealed emotions, trauma and distorted beliefs affect our body and mind to conceive and birth our babies. 

 My studies include certificates in

  • Naturopathy
  • Transformational Healing
  • Master Training in Integrative Life Healing Coaching
  • Advanced Hypnotherapy
  • Past Life and Age Regression
  • Akashic Records
  • Somatic Healing
  • Hypno -Birthing
  • Fertility Therapy 
  • Matrix Energetics 
  • Reiki
  • Eastern Healing
  • Shamanic Healing  
  • 9 Munay Ki healing Rites
  • Trauma Healing

I am the founder of The Get Pregnant Now Podcast, which is a podcast where professionals provide support for women going through infertility struggles.

I have been a featured expert at many events and have also  been interviewed by NBC, her Magazine, Healthy Living, U.S. News, and Fox News Channel, Spotlight Network TV with Logan Crawford.

Commonly Asked Questions
About Working with Saskia

What is Saskia's most popular program?

The Get Pregnant Now Foundation Program, you will receive 12 one-hour pre-recorded audio classes delivered over 4-Months. You can listen to the audios any time that fits your schedule. You will learn the proven GPN method with all the daily exercises and tools to reset your mind & your body into conception mode. You will release your deeper blocks to get pregnant & stay pregnant. To fully support you during the program included are 12-live Question and Answer calls with Saskia, where you can ask her questions about the exercises and the program as you go through the classes.

Click Here for Your Free Fertility Consultation


Does Saskia work with Private Clients?

Yes, I take on 10 private clients a year.  I am very specific, because these clients need to commit to doing their daily homework, and come to the sessions prepared. There is usually a waiting list for private coaching these sessions are in high demand if you are interested you will need to fill out an application. Women in the Rainbow program move very fast, for two reasons.  If I am working with you in the Rainbow program, there is nothing about you, your blocks, or your fertility that escapes me. You also get my 25 years of intuitive fertility skills focused on you and your baby.  I can sense if there is anything going on in your lineage, your family history, your Mind Body connection, or your relationship that is preventing your pregnancy, I will find it.  And we will release it together.

Please Note: Because of the high demand for private coaching these programs require an application and interview process with Saskia in order to be accepted. They require a high-level of commitment from both parties


How can I choose which program is best for me?

All the programs are amazing, and all programs have produced happy, pregnant moms-to-be. If you have deeper blocks and you feel you have tried everything you might need Private coaching. You will need to fill out an application, if your application is approved you will receive a email to schedule a call to discuss your options with Saskia. She will give you her honest opinion as to which program would suit you best.  

Can anyone join your programs?

     If you are not 100% committed to leaving no stone unturned to get pregnant...
     If you do not believe in the body & mind connection...
     If you are unwilling to put the work in...
     If you have given up all hope...

Then this program is not for you.

But if you are coach-able and be willing to invest in yourself to get my professional help. Saskia is  dedicated to helping you.

Not everyone qualifies for Private Coaching because her time and schedule are limited and in high demand. You both have to see the possibility that she can help you, and you are willing to put the work in that is needed for the program.

Am I too old for the program?

It depends.  Age is a problem if you have stopped menstruating, you are in menopause, or you have had your tubes tied.

If you still ovulate, and you have unexplained infertility, we have to look at the root cause that blocks your pregnancy.  Because if the cause if not medical, there is an emotional reason and we can release that.

My oldest client is 47 and she naturally conceived twins.

Why does your program work?

Science proves that when you do a Body-Mind program, you more than double your chances of getting pregnant.  Your chances go from 10-20% to 42-55%.

Alice Dolmar described:

In a large federally funded study, 55% of previously infertile women who met regularly in a Mind Body Infertility program conceived within 6 months after the program, compared to only 20% in a control group that used no mind body techniques. We have been collecting data for 20 years on the women who attend the mind/body program and the results are consistent. About half the patients get pregnant within six months, and about 95% become moms somehow within two years.

Why do so many of your clients get pregnant, even if they are over 40?

So many of my clients get pregnant because unexplained infertility is explainable. It can be resolved. Unexplained infertility has its roots in emotional trauma and subconscious fear.  If you have a fear or an emotional block, a medical procedure will not work. IVF cannot bypass emotional trauma.  So many of my clients get pregnant, because the root cause of their infertility is emotional, not physical.  Once we release the emotional block, they get pregnant.

Do you work with women who’ve had abortions, multiple miscarriages or who have lost a child or have secondary infertility?

These women who this who this program is perfectly for  I work with women who have tried everything IVF, IUI, have failed IVFs, eat healthy, do acupuncture, yoga, and nothing works.  These women have emotional blocks.  When we release them, they get pregnant. The results for women with secondary infertility are excellent.


If I’ve had 3 miscarriages, can I still get pregnant when I work with you?

Yes. I recently had a client who had 7 miscarriages. But we had to clear all the deep sadness out of her body, and her distrust in her body.  And now she is a happy Mom at 46 years old.

Who are your clients?

My clients are from all walks of life.  They are successful businesswomen, TV producers, musicians, artists, teachers, soccer moms with secondary infertility, students, homemakers, and more.

What if my husband is skeptical about body-mind work?

That is normal, because men tend to think logically. The medical world makes logical sense to them.  But now, there are so many scientific studies that prove that when you do a Body Mind program, it more than doubles your chances to succeed. Pregnancy is not just a matter of body mechanics.  And more and more men are beginning to realize this. Click Here to Show this video to him.

I know I have unresolved blockages that are contributing to my infertility. But I also believe my husband does too. Is your program appropriate for men? Is this program just for women?

I only take women in the Get Pregnant Now Foundation Program, but you can absolutely share the classes and exercises with your partner. One of my recent private clients told me that certain classes and exercises were very valuable for her husband, too. She would pick and choose and suggest certain exercises to her husband, who was open to following along. They became pregnant after 16 failed IVF’s! 

Emotional blocks can be found in women and men. I must say that I see amazing results when a woman changes her energy; it impacts her partner positively too. 

We address relationship challenges in the program as well. Women love this!

My husband has an extremely low sperm count; The sperm he does have has mobility issues. My body is set and ready to go, no issues with me. So I guess my question would be, how can this program help us get pregnant? Can it help my sex drive?

I hear this question a lot, and the short answer if you only need ONE SPERM :). 

The longer answer: I can't give you the 100% correct answer about the physical part of your questions, but I know that when you start to trust him more and in the program we address how to do this, it will positively affect him. 

Your beliefs and mindset influence your husband's mindset.

In the Get Pregnant Now Foundation Program, you learn tools you can teach him, too. Often women and men lose their sex drive because the spontaneity is lost. In the program, we talk about becoming lighthearted again and having fun in your relationship, so the fertility journey is no longer stressful anymore. The program helps to be aligned on all levels and feel connected to your body, baby, and partner. During the 4-month program, you will make sure you leave no stone unturned.

I am curious, what or how you are able to help couples get pregnant when it's a male factor. We need to do IVF, and we can't get pregnant naturally.

I have worked with a lot of couples who have had this issue, and therefore IVF is a great option. Where the program helps is that it will align you on all levels to make the IVF treatment successful when you do it. Science proves that when a woman does IVF and has done a BODY & MIND program, she more than doubles her chances to conceive. 

There is a proven higher success rate with a woman who does mind and body work in conjunction with IVF.

In the Get Pregnant Now Foundation Program we work on boosting your egg count and giving you the tools that your baby "sticks" to you :-). So that when you are pregnant after the IVF, you don't freak out, but you have the tools to manage your mind and don't go in fear of "what if it doesn't work." You learn in the program to stay steady and embody your fertile energy. 

What if IVF has failed for me many times?

If IVF has failed for you the program is the most logical option.

Here is why: IVF does NOT bypass your subconscious blocks or fears or stress.
You have to release the deeper blocks that prevent the IVF or natural conception to get pregnant.

Once you lease the deeper blocks your body will be open to conceive with or without IVF. I have many clients that had failed IVF’s and after they did the program, or when they did the program alongside their treatment they got pregnant.

My client Angela had 16 failed IVF’s before she came to me. During the program she became pregnant with her 17th IVF attempt. Why? Because she had reset her body and mind into conceive mode by releasing her fears and blocks.

This can happen to you, too.

Here is the pregnancy test Angela sent me after she found out.


What if I’ve struggled for 10 years?

It doesn’t matter. You can still get pregnant within 2 to 6 months, if we find the emotional block and release it, and reset your thinking. It’s not about how long you struggle but how fast we find what’s blocking you.

Does the Get Pregnant Now Method really work?

Yes, it does.  It has worked for my clients for over 20 years.  Many of my clients who now hold their baby in their arms, were once told “you have to get a donor egg” or “you are too old.”  But those women knew differently.  These women knew they had a baby “sitting on their shoulder”, and that motherhood was part of their purpose.  And they left no stone unturned.

What if I don’t do the homework?

It will take longer, because it takes time to retrain your brain. Fear changes the neural pathways in your brain, and we want to retrain your brain to trust your body again. It’s a wonderful way that works to reduce your stress and anxiety at all levels.  

Why is your program 4 months?

Four months is the optimum time span to create your body in perfect condition to conceive. In four months, you can place your body in the optimum condition to get pregnant, retrain your thinking, and reset your body into conceive mode. And in my experience with working with women over the last 25 years this has been proven true.

How much time does this program take?

  • 1- Hour for the Audio Class
  • 30-45 Minutes for the Live Q&A Class
  • Homework is practical that you can fit into your daily life, it is not essays , it is not reading, it is not big big projects , it might take 5-6 to minutes per day on average.

How much access do I get to you?

It depends on the program you are in.  In the foundation program you will have access 12 times in the live Q&A calls where you can ask your questions live to Saskia.

What is your most amazing result?

Any pregnancy is a miracle. Every woman who gets pregnant is a miracle. However another beautiful story is Anna who was 47 and tried for 10 years . She got pregnant in 2 months when we found what her blocks were.

Is this is a Spiritual or Religious Program

No, this is not a spiritual or religious program. The program is based on scientific research and is for women of all beliefs.

Can I contact some of your former clients to see what it's like to work with you?

No, I wish you could.  But I have the highest integrity with my clients, and all their information is 100% private.  I would extend the same courtesy to you.  But you can read the testimonials and watch the videos from happy moms who were in the same place you may be now.

How fast will I get pregnant with this program?

That is not something I can answer for you personally. Every woman is different, and every situation is different. But what I can tell you is that my clients who do the homework and show up for all classes move faster than those who don't. Some get pregnant right away; others get pregnant six months after the program.

After the first class, you will already start to feel better because you will have some of the tools you need to reset your mind & body into a positive state instead of getting stuck into negative self-talk that effects your body.

If the doctor told me my eggs are too old, will this still work?

A lot my clients are in their 40s, their doctors have told them that they are too old, or that their eggs are too old.  And they get pregnant. So yes, there is definitely hope.

Do you believe in miracles?

Yes I do. But I don’t believe in miracles if your tubes are tied, or if you are in menopause, or if you don’t ovulate any more, then I can’t help you.  If you have a specific medical problem that prevents you from getting pregnant, I would refer you back to your doctor. .   

I've done other programs like this before, and it didn't work. How will this be different?

This program is based on 20+ years of experience and scientific studies that has helped thousands of women in their fertility journey. 

Is there a refund policy?

No, there is no refund, because  of the personal attention you receive in this program.  You need to finish the full 4-months of the program to receive all of the benefits, even if you get pregnant right away. This program is also geared towards newly pregnant women to help  them stay pregnant.


How do I get a fertility consultation?

What if I have other questions?

Simply send an email to clientcare@getpregnantnow.com and we will help you! Our office hours are 9.00- 4.00 EST from Monday till Friday.

Am I guaranteed to get pregnant

I cannot guarantee you that you will get pregnant. I wish I could :-).  What I can  guarantee you is that if you come to the classes and follow the program during the 4 months you will (when you are at the end of your life and review ) you'll never regret you did not look into the body&mind aspect of getting pregnant. You turned every stone in your pursuit of motherhood.

Ok I know I want to work with you, How do I get started in the program?

Email clientcare@getpregnantnow.com and let us know you are ready to join.  We will send over the information you need to get started.
